Why Using A Sublingual Cannabis Tincture Is The Best
Tinctures have been used for centuries to concentrate the active constituents of herbs, and the result is a dropper bottle full of condensed molecules. Today, sublingual cannabis tinctures can be made and purchased as an efficient method of dosing cannabinoids.
Cannabis is a diverse plant that includes thousands of different strains. And just like its genetic diversity, there's also a myriad different ways to consume the plant. Smoking the flowers is definitely one of the most popular and traditional methods, but this isn't right for everyone. Edibles are another classic way to ingest cannabis, but this method can be quite time-consuming and messy. Consuming cannabis through a tincture is perhaps the easiest and most effective way for both medicinal and recreational users to receive a dose of cannabinoids.
A tincture is an old-school type of herbal extraction that uses alcohol, and sometimes vegetable glycerine or plant oils, to extract the desired constituents from dried plant matter. In the case of cannabis, alcohol is used to pull out cannabinoids such as THC and CBD—along with aromatic terpenes—from the trichomes of the flowers. Eventually, the liquid is strained away from the buds, and what’s left is a potent concentration of sought-after molecules suspended in an easily administered base.
What makes tinctures a lot different than other means of consuming cannabis, and different than many other cannabis extracts, is that they are more often than not administered in a sublingual fashion. “Sublingual” is a bit of a strange word, but all it means is that it’s applied underneath the tongue. This might seem like a weird place to put a cannabis extract, but this route of administration is used in the medical world for rapid onset of effects.
When placing a drop of cannabis tincture under the tongue, it is rapidly absorbed. This is because the oral mucosa in this area contains capillaries in profusion, allowing substances to diffuse into them and immediately enter the bloodstream, as opposed to navigating a treacherous journey through the digestive system.
Tinctures are simple extracts that have excellent recreational and medicinal uses. They offer a potent effect, and the speed in which they act offers great benefits for patients seeking near-term relief.
The answer to this question is an absolute yes—if it contains THC-rich cannabis, that is. Cannabis tinctures are extracts, meaning that they are a concentration of molecules from within cannabis flowers. This means a few drops of tincture could contain more THC than an entire joint.
However, the intoxicating effects of a tincture depend entirely on the strain used to make the extract. If a high-THC strain is used, then the effects will be extremely apparent. In contrast, if a CBD-rich strain containing almost no THC is used, then there may not be a high at all. Most commercial strains contain some amount of both THC and CBD, so again, it all comes down to strain selection.
Tinctures are one of the most simple cannabis products to administer—even more so than vaping, considering the lack of equipment required. The easiest way to ingest a tincture is to place the desired dose under the tongue, and wait a few minutes until it has been completely absorbed.
After placing drops under the tongue, users will feel effects within around 15–45 minutes, with the peak of the high occurring at around the 90-minute mark.
However, there are plenty of other ways to get tinctures into your body. By placing drops into tea, smoothies, and juices, you can consume tinctures in a way that is closer to edibles, because the cannabinoids will now pass through the digestive tract.
Cannabis can have dramatically different effects depending on how it is consumed. Smoking or vaping weed is one of the easiest ways to control just how high you’re getting. Users can take things one toke at a time, and the effects from smoking can be felt mere seconds after inhalation. Smoking is certainly the easiest way to experience cannabis for novices, although vaping represents the healthier option between the two. And the effects induced by these consumption methods are not necessarily less potent—there are buds out there with astronomical levels of THC bred to blast minds into a long-lasting and intense high!
Edibles are a different story entirely. Edible cannabis takes much longer to bring about effects, and the high is usually much more intense and lasts longer. This is because edibles are processed in the liver, resulting in the conversion of THC into a substance called 11-hydroxy-THC.
Tinctures can be seen as somewhat of a hybrid between these effects. The intensity and type of high largely depends on how the extract is taken. Dropping tincture under the tongue will result in a more immediate and short-lived high—much like smoking—due to immediate absorption into the bloodstream, whereas immediately swallowed tincture will create the same effect as an edible with the same cannabinoid dose.
As we have discussed, the flexibility of a tincture high is something that draws a lot of cannabis users to these products. And the simple nature of administration is another huge advantage. Tinctures are also a favourite among many cannabis users because of how discreet they are and how easy they are to use on the go.
All it takes is a simple drop of fluid under the tongue and you’re good to go. This is a lot less suspect then walking around with a joint or vape, and doesn’t create any suspicious aromas. This is particularly useful for those who use cannabis for its therapeutic qualities, perhaps looking to dose up at work or when out of the house.
Making your own tincture is fun and rewarding. However, if you don’t have the time, there are some fantastic products available out there.
Cibdol is a Swiss company that makes some of the most potent and pure CBD oils available. Their 10% CBD oil is made from organically grown hemp and extracted using state-of-the-art CO₂ technology. The recommended dosage is 3–4 drops up to three times per day.
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Zamnesia’s CBD oil 20% is another potent option. This completely natural product contains trace amounts of THC and is non-psychotropic. This highly concentrated product is perfect for consuming high quantities of CBD within an instant. Hemp oil is used as the carrier oil, offering its own set of benefits, including healthy essential fats and proteins.
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Making your own tincture is a highly rewarding process and a skill worth learning. There are various ways to reach the same end goal, so feel free to elect whichever method you prefer.
The hot method is an alcohol-free way to make a cannabis tincture. This method is advantageous in that it speeds up the tincture-making process. However, it does come at the additional cost of evaporating some of the beneficial terpenes created by cannabis flowers. This method involves placing ground-up weed into a crock pot full of glycerine set to 80°C. Leave the bud to extract for 6–24 hours, then strain through a cheesecloth into a dropper bottle.
The cold method takes slightly longer, but comes with the benefits of a more full-spectrum end product as the terpenes are left intact. This method involves grinding up your weed and placing it in a clear glass along with glycerine. Place the glass on a sunny windowsill for 3–5 weeks and shake daily. Strain into a dropper bottle, and the work is done.
Although some people don’t like the idea of consuming alcohol with their tinctures, the substance sure does a great job of extracting cannabinoids. The alcohol method requires cannabis flowers to be ground and decarboxylated. The weed is then placed into a jar along with 500ml of spirits, shaken, and placed in the freezer. Return to the jar twice a day to give it a good shake. After 5 days, strain the tincture through a cheesecloth into a dropper bottle.
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