Rare Mushroom Thought To Induce Instantaneous Orgasms
It seems there is a type of mushroom out there that is magical in a whole new way – it can cause women to orgasm just by smelling it, or at least, so it is claimed.
It seems there is a type of mushroom out there that is magical in a whole new way – it can cause women to orgasm just by smelling it, or at least, so it is claimed. Scientists have discovered a rare species of Hawaiian mushroom with the supposed power to induce orgasms.
Mushrooms have all kinds of uses. They are able to sustain us, take us on trips, and even clean up the mess humans are making of this world. Well, adding to this list in a somewhat lighter note, is the ability to induce instantaneous orgasm in women.
The discovery comes thanks to two scientists, John Holliday and Noah Soule. They had heard that the scent of a particularly rare mushroom from Hawaii acted as an aphrodisiac for women and wanted to document it for themselves. So they recruited some participants and exposed them to the mushroom.
It was found that nearly half of all female participants experienced spontaneous orgasm when sniffing the mushroom. It was hypothesised that this could have been caused by hormone-like compounds found in the mushroom’s spores that may be similar to those responsible for stimulating sexual arousal in women.
The mushroom’s “fetid” smell didn’t have any effect on men.
Unfortunately, you are unlikely to be able to go out and find some of this fungus for yourself. The fungus is said to be an unnamed member of the Dictyophora species, and is only found growing on Hawaiian lava fields that are between 600 and 1000 years old – quite a specific set of requirements.
There is also the fact that the scientific validity is in question, with many other scientists being extremely sceptical. Don Hemmes, professor of Biology at Hawaii University, claims that the research is flawed on many levels, and that the mushroom in question is actually the netted stinkhorn (pictured above), which also grows in China and is used as a food source. Quite a contradiction from the “unnamed orange fungus”. There is also very little evidence to back the claims up, with no other research available. Plus, if it were true, don't you think the world would have heard more about it?
The paper was written 14 years ago, but according to Holliday, he has been working isolating the mushrooms active compound and making it into a marketable drug.
If something sounds too good to be true, more often than not, it is. However, while many scientists are sceptical, the claim has not been disproved either. Only time will tell if there really is a mushroom out there that can get the ladies going!