Morning Glory Vs. Hawaiian Baby Woodrose: What’s The Difference?
The psychedelic effects from Morning Glory or Hawaiian Baby Woodrose are often compared to LSD, although not as intense. Let’s take a look at what the differences actually are between Morning Glory and the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, together with their effects, recommended dosages and side-effects.
Psychonauts often take Morning Glory or Hawaiian Baby Woodrose for a psychedelic experience that is comparable to LSD - although the effect is normally less intense and with some distinct differences. The active psychedelic substance in both, Morning Glory and Hawaiian Baby Woodrose is LSA, which is a natural psychedelic that is a precursor to LSD.
Both, Morning Glory and the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (Argyreia nervosa) contain abundant amounts of LSA (LSA, d-lysergic acid amide or ergine), a natural psychoactive compound that is often enjoyed for their trippy effects. Chemically, LSA is known as LA-111, an ergoline alkaloid. Being a precursor to LSD, it has a similar chemical structure, although the effect is not as potent as with LSD and has a distinct character in the psychedelic experience.
With the Morning Glory flower being the best-known source for it, LSA as a natural psychedelic is much easier to obtain than synthetically manufactured LSD. This, along with Baby Woodrose being legal in some countries, is one of the reasons that psychonauts often use Morning Glory or the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose as an LSD substitute.
So what are the differences between the two?
Both, Morning Glory and the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose contain LSA as their active component, which makes the psychedelic experience with both quite similar.
LSD usually induces a crystal-clear mental energy while LSA causes a calm and drowsy state that can be dream-like. Unlike LSD, which is a synthetic substance, LSA is consumed with a number of other alkaloids that are also present in the seeds. These alkaloids have various, often unpleasant effects on the body including nausea or vomiting. This makes the toll on the body when taking LSA much heavier in comparison.
While the effect of Hawaiian Baby Woodrose can be similar to LSD it is usually perceived as less intense, less “clear” and with fewer visuals.
Pretty similar as with taking Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, the psychoactive LSA in Morning Glory can create strong psychedelic effects, from mild and quiet and introspective to outright spectacular.
View Hawaiian Baby Woodrose
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose
For a light dose, take 3-4 seeds. A normal dose is about 5-8 seeds, and up to 12 seeds are taken for a strong effect. It’s recommended to chew the seeds on an empty stomach since this can help to reduce nausea.
Morning Glory
50-100 seeds (1.5-3 grammes) make a light dosage. For a medium dosage, take 100-250 seeds (3-6 grammes) and for a strong effect take up to 400 seeds (10 grammes)
There is an ongoing debate on the best way to consume the seeds, mainly and also to reduce the negative effects from consuming them. Some eat Morning Glory seeds right out of the bag while others grind them and soak them in water for 30 minutes and then filter the mix and drink it. You would need to experiment to find what works best for you.
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose
The effect of the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose can take quite some time to kick in - usually with initial effects appearing after 2 hours. With this in mind, you can plan your trip and setting accordingly.
Morning Glory
Because of the nausea, when taking Morning Glory seeds, you should take the seeds on an empty stomach. It is a good idea to not eat anything 4-6 hours before you take the seeds. Once you take the seeds, the psychedelic effects will start in 1-1.5 hours, which means it kicks in just a little faster than the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose but not by much.
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose
The psychedelic effects from the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose normally last 6-8 hours. When the trip is over, there can be an additional 12 hours of a very relaxed and tranquil feeling. After taking Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, you will likely experience a very deep and refreshing sleep.
Morning Glory
A Morning Glory trip can last a very long time, up to 10 hours depending on your dosage. It is a good idea to keep this in mind when you plan for your Morning Glory trip.
View Morning Glory
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose
The seeds of the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose often induce a purgative vomiting. After the experience, it can be that you will experience a hangover with blurred vision, vertigo and dizziness.
You should not consume more than the recommended dose. If you’re new to the effects of LSA, you should start with a light dose and only gradually increase it as you become more experienced with the effects. Don’t take the seeds together with alcohol or other drugs.
Morning Glory
Taking Morning Glory seeds will often induce nausea and vomiting although this can vary. Some users have reported only feeling nausea without vomiting. This can depend on numerous factors such as what you ate and then your dosage.
Whether you are taking Morning Glory or the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose for your trip, know that the experience can be very intense and that it can last a very long time. In particular if you have less experience with psychedelics it is always a good idea to have an experienced trip sitter to guide you throughout the experience.
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