Meet Hawaiian Baby Woodrose: A Natural Psychedelic
LSA is an increasingly popular hallucinogen, and Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds are one of the best legal ways to get it. So what exactly are they?
Enjoyed for their LSD like qualities, Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds have become popular throughout Europe as a cheap and legal alternative for those wanting to expand their consciousness. So, let’s take a closer look at these mind-bending beauties.
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (Argyreia nervosa) is a perennial climbing vine native to the Indian subcontinent (despite its name). Through human intervention, it has been introduced to other areas of the world, including Hawaii, the Caribbean and Africa. The vine produces some pretty stunning flowers, and as such, is often grown ornamentally as a garden feature. However, for the psychonaut, it is the LSA containing seeds that are of real interest, and act as a legal alternative to LSD (in most countries).
The name Hawaiian Baby Woodrose is a result of the vine’s recent history. Although it has been around for centuries, it wasn’t until the 1960s that the seeds of the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose were recognised for their psychoactive content. It was in Hawaii that the world picked up on it, where it was being used as a cheap and easy way for the poorer people in Hawaiian society to get high.
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The seeds of Hawaiian Baby Woodrose contain LSA (d-lysergic acid amide), an ergot-alkaloid that is extremely similar in chemical composition to LSD. In fact, LSA is a natural precursor to LSD – a refined man-made hallucinogen. Despite not being as potent as LSD, LSA is still a substance to be reckoned with, and easily fools inexperienced trippers, who take LSA thinking it is LSD.
In addition to LSA, Hawaiian Baby Woodrose also contains a whole list of other ergot-alkaloids, including isoergine, ergometrine, elymoclavine, lysergene, lysergol, setoclavine, festuclavine and chanoclavine.
As mentioned, LSA is something akin to a less potent form of LSD. It creates a change in visual and audio perception, euphoria, distortions in perception of time and space, temporary emotional change, and extreme mental weariness that becomes more noticeable on the comedown.
A normal trip using Hawaiian Baby Woodrose lasts for 6-8 hours, with a feeling of tranquillity often lasting for an additional 12 hours.
If you want to find out more, we have some detailed information on LSA and Hawaiian Baby Woodrose worth taking a look at.
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