How To Harvest Multiple Flushes From A Magic Mushroom Grow Kit
Beginners in the world of magic mushroom growing might be daunted by traditional cultivation methods. However, with grow kits, you don't need a green thumb to produce some quality mushrooms. If you make the right moves, you can even harvest multiple flushes from the same kit! Follow our simple guide and you'll have a plentiful supply in no time.
If you're a magic mushroom enthusiast, we're sure you've had the thought to grow your own at one point: "That'd be silly though", you might think, "I'm no mycologist, and I don’t want to waste my money if I'm going to fail".
Fortunately, the science behind growing mushrooms has advanced quite a lot over the years. So much, in fact, that there are now specialised grow kits that offer you the perfect setup for raising shrooms.
Read on to learn how you can take advantage of these easy-to-use kits to enjoy multiple flushes of magic mushrooms!
So, you've likely heard the term "grow kit" here and there if you spend a lot of time on this site, but you might not be sure what we're talking about. Essentially, these kits include a growing container, bag, and other items that make the process as straightforward as possible.
Inside the growing container, you'll find a living mycelium substrate, which acts as the underlying foundation for growing these mushrooms. Kits might look different depending on the brand and where you're getting them from, but the function is the same across the board.
There are a few advantages that come with using these kits, especially for novices. First off, given their straightforward nature, you'll quickly understand what you need to do. On top of that, it's significantly less labour-intensive than the traditional method, and you'll need far fewer supplies.
Making it a sweeter deal, there are certain steps you can take to get more than the standard single flush.
"Now slow down there, what is a flush in this context?". Our bad for jumping the gun there, but it's a pretty simple concept.
Simply put, a flush is the term used to refer to a crop of mushrooms. Just like any other crop, it'll take some time to cultivate, and it can't go unharvested for too long.
How do you know the time has come, you wonder? Well, as you spend time caring for them, you'll notice the veil underneath their cap getting thinner.
Rather than waiting for it to break, as some suggest, you should wait for it to reach the point right before then. Now, don't worry, they won't be duds if they get past that point.
However, the release of spores in that moment triggers a hormone in the mycelium that makes the mushrooms transition from fruiting to colonising. This can, in turn, prevent further flushes from occurring.
Normally, grow kits are meant to produce just one full flush. As passionate folk tend to do, though, certain growers have found a way to make the most of what they've got. The main method seems deceptively simple, but "soaking" or "dunking" is really just as simple as it sounds (well, almost).
There are two ways you can go about this. The first method is true to the name, and simply involves letting your substrate soak in water for 12 hours. Afterwards, you can drain the kit and begin the process anew.
The second method, while less true to the name, is still valid.
Rather than literally dunking or soaking the container with your substrate, you should place it under a running faucet and allow the water to spill over. Let this process continue for at least two hours, three at the most.
While it takes less time, the substrate is equally soaked due to the constantly running water. If you're familiar with how rivers and lakes work, you'll also know that running water is less conducive to bacteria buildup.
This same logic applies when growing mushrooms. There's no specific pH or purity requirement for this water either, so the tap will do fine.
So, how many flushes can you get, exactly? As with any other natural organism, things aren't going to be exact with every version of the same species.
Usually, though, caring growers can achieve three good flushes from one grow kit.
From there, all you need is time. Since the subsequent growing cycle is similar to the first, you should set 2–3 weeks aside for each flush to grow.
If you're more used to growing cannabis than shrooms, we're sure you're happy with how quickly things progress. You'll have three full harvests within nine weeks at the most, enough to last you and your friends a while.
If you're ready to get growing, make sure to check out our prime selection of grow kits! Also, check out our grow kit instructions and our guide to harvesting magic mushrooms so you can proceed with confidence!
Shroom Shop
Zamnesia's Shroomshop offers an extensive selection of mushroom cultivation supplies, including spore prints, liquid cultures, grow kits, and much more.
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