How To Hand Pollinate Chilli Plants
We all want the best for our chilli pepper plants, and sometimes they need a bit of a helping hand. This can be in the form of hand pollinating, a process that allows growers to assist their plants in producing fruits. All that's needed is a little patience, tact, and a steady hand, and your plants will start fruiting in no time.
When it comes to cultivating peppers and chillies at home, they generally take care of themselves. However, that's not to say there aren't techniques you can implement to really make the most of your precious plants. One such process is hand pollinating. But why do it, and better yet, how do you do it? We answer these questions and so much more. Whether you're an absolute beginner or looking to increase your knowledge of all things peppers, allow us to enlighten you.
Are chilli plants self-pollinating?
As is the case with pretty much all plants, pollination needs to take place for fruit to be produced. Chilli plants are certainly no exception to this rule, but unlike some others, the flowers of the plant actually have the ability to self-pollinate. They don't need to be positioned next to other plants, nor do they require the help of bees. As the flowers of Capsicum plants contain both male and female parts, they can self-release pollen from the male part directly onto the female part. The result is the production of fruit. But if chilli plants are self-pollinating, why would we get involved?
Why pollinate chilli plants?
While chilli plants have the potential to self-pollinate, several factors can inhibit them from doing so. For example, if there is a lack of pollinators and very little wind, no pollination will take place. Hand pollinating your chilli plants gives you complete control over their fruit production. Although it can take a little time to get the hang of, hand pollinating will significantly enhance your chilli cultivation knowledge, allowing you to tackle multiple plants at any one time.
How to hand pollinate hot pepper plants
So, how exactly do you go about hand pollinating? From picking the right time to picking the right equipment, we'll cover everything you need to know. As mentioned, it might take a little trial and error to get right, but once you've got it down, your plants will undoubtedly reward you. Take your time and be patient, and you simply can't go wrong.
When to pollinate chilli plants?
Timing is everything, and this couldn't be truer when talking about hand pollinating hot pepper plants. Wait until your plants have flowered before intervening. This can be several weeks into the growing cycle, so be sure to keep an eye out as flowers start to appear and open on the plant.
Once you see flowers, it's time to pollinate. The best time to do so is in the afternoon. This is the point at which pollen production is at its peak, so you'll want to capitalise on the opportunity. Any earlier or later will be far less effective, so getting your timing right is half the battle.
There are many schools of thought when it comes to the “right” tools for pollinating. Here are a few suggestions you can consider.
Many opt to use a soft-bristled toothbrush to stimulate the flowers into pollinating, with some even going as far as using an electric version to simulate a bee's wings through the vibration. Very gently place the bristles of the brush inside the flower, and that should stimulate it to successfully pollinate itself.
If you've got some spare art supplies lying around at home, the use of a fine paintbrush is also a valid option. By making small circles inside the flower with the bristles, it's entirely possible to use it to pollinate.
🔸Cotton bud
A more disposable choice, a simple cotton bud will suffice when hand pollinating. Similar to the technique of using a paintbrush, gently stimulate the flower into pollinating.
The sharpest of the options available so far, a toothpick can be utilised to pollinate your hot pepper plants. Of course, just be careful not to cause damage by poking the flowers.
🔸Tuning fork
A little bit abstract, but bear with us here! For all you musicians out there, you can even use a tuning fork to hand pollinate. With the same principle in mind as an electric toothbrush, when struck, a tuning fork will vibrate and allow you to pollinate your specimens.
Another solution for pollination can be found in the kitchen or at your local Asian restaurant. That's right; even chopsticks can be used to pollinate your plants. Although a little wider than toothpicks, the same principle applies. Just be sure not to be too heavy-handed, as you may end up irrevocably damaging your flowers!
If in doubt, just use your fingers! Just be sure they're clean, and then “tickle” the flowers into pollinating. A simple and viable option for those a little short on supplies. If you are growing a strain with tiny flowers, you can also squeeze them very gently.
Whether you're using a toothbrush or cotton bud, you've now got everything you need to hand pollinate your chilli pepper plants. As mentioned, for best results, it's worth waiting until the afternoon before embarking on the process.
The idea behind pollination is to move the pollen from the anthers of the flower to the centre part, known as the stigma. To do so, simply take your tool and gently brush it against the anthers, ensuring it is coated with an abundance of sticky pollen.
Once suitably covered, move your tool toward the middle of the flower and gently transfer the pollen onto the stigma. Be sure to do this part extremely slowly and methodically, as you certainly don't want to cause any unnecessary and irrevocable damage to your plant. So go easy!
But how do you know if you've hit your mark? Sometimes it's possible to actually see a small amount of yellow pollen puff out from the plant once you've successfully hand pollinated, but you can't always see this take place, so be sure to keep an eye on your plant and await the abundance of fruits taking shape in the near future.
Another method of hand pollination can be achieved by gently shaking the plant. Usually, the vibrations are enough for the flowers to shake loose their pollen onto the stigma and aid in producing fruits.
Cross-pollinating chilli plants
If you have multiple chilli strains on the go, it's definitely worth using a different tool for each to avoid cross-pollination. Unlike when growing cannabis, it's pretty tricky to create hybrids of peppers, and it certainly isn't a case of just taking the pollen from one pepper plant and transferring it to another. More often than not, you're likely to be disappointed by the results.
Essentially, the first harvest of peppers won't be impacted, but the seeds they produce will showcase what cross-pollination is capable of. For example, a sweet pepper plant that's crossed with a spicy one will eventually produce fruits that are both sweet and spicy, in theory. However, it's not an exact science, so if you're looking to keep your peppers pure, just be sure each strain is kept away from one another. Contraception is another option—pull a tea bag over the flower to ensure varietal propagation.
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Try your hand at pollinating chilli peppers today
You've now learned all the essentials on hand pollinating pepper plants; all that's left to do is try it yourself. Just be sure to take your time, and your plants will reward you with a bevy of berries that will be ready before you know it. Give it a go today—you'll be surprised at how effective it can be.
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