Benefits Of Using A Microscope For Cannabis Growers And Smokers
Microscopes can be used by both cannabis growers and smokers to get a closer look at their buds. Microscopes can help identify and keep cannabis plants clear of pests, diseases, and mould. They are also an excellent quality control tool, allowing growers and smokers to inspect the quality of the final product before lighting up.
Microscopes and magnifying glasses are commonly used by cannabis growers and smokers who want to get a closer look at their buds. These devices are relatively cheap and can be useful in a variety of situations, including quality testing and pest prevention. Whether you are growing cannabis, or just enjoying it, microscopes and magnifying glasses can help you gain a better understanding of your buds.
There are different kinds of microscopes that can be used to inspect cannabis buds and plants. Which one you choose should depend primarily on what you intend to use it for and on your budget.
Pocket microscopes are portable devices small enough to fit in your hand. These relatively cheap units can be used to quickly get a closer look at buds and plants. Some models can be clipped to a smartphone to produce an even better view and further interactivity. Smaller pocket microscopes are better suited to looking at live plant matter since some larger models can be rather hard to handle in tight spaces. However, larger pocket microscopes are known to produce some very impressive views of trichomes and pistils.
View Bud-O-Scope
Tabletop stereo microscopes are best left to professional growers, testers, and biology enthusiasts. These kinds of microscopes are much pricier than handheld or digital microscopes. However, they are incredibly powerful, are a blast to use, and are capable of producing some gorgeous and stunning imagery.
Digital microscopes are units that connect to phones and tablets in order to produce full-screen images. These units typically connect wirelessly and are a great way to closely inspect cannabis without breaking the bank.
Additionally, smartphones with zoom functions can also be used as makeshift microscopes. Most smartphones are capable of zooming in enough to represent a significant upgrade over the naked eye, albeit not as much as an actual microscope or magnifying glass.
All growers should carry a magnifying glass or microscope in their grow kit. These tools can come in handy at all stages of a plant’s life. Microscopes and magnifying glasses can help growers to quickly identify any problems such as pests, and can give them a better idea of exactly where a cannabis plant may be in its life cycle, and what action to take next.
Microscopes can help growers to more closely inspect the health of their plants. Growers commonly use these tools in order to determine if their cannabis plants (or specific buds) are suffering from pests, diseases, or other contaminants.
Microscopes can help you to better gauge when your cannabis plants are ready for harvest. Some growers choose to harvest their plants by waiting until the suggested flowering time has passed. While this can sometimes work, many times these growers end up harvesting their plants too early or too late by simply waiting it out.
Other growers choose to harvest when most of the pistils on the plant have changed colour. While this is more accurate than just timing the end of a plant’s flowering stage, it is still a relatively inaccurate way of determining when it is time to harvest.
The best way to determine if it is time to harvest your cannabis plant is by looking at its trichomes. When the trichomes have turned a cloudy-white colour, it is safe to assume that the harvest window is open. This is widely believed to be the most effective way to determine whether your plant is ready for harvesting.
The more trichomes on your plant, the better. Trichomes contain concentrated amounts of the terpenes and cannabinoids that produce the mind-altering and therapeutic effects cannabis is known for. Using a microscope or magnifying glass to inspect your buds can ensure that they harbour a healthy amount of trichomes, keeping you from harvesting premature buds that may not be as potent as they could be.
While the colour changes in pistils and trichomes can certainly be observed by the naked eye, a microscope can give growers a much better view of the changes taking place, and therefore a much better idea of whether their plants are truly ready for harvest or not.
While microscopes and magnifying glasses can greatly benefit growers, they can also be useful for smokers.
There is only so much that the human eye can see. Using a microscope or magnifying glass can give you a better look at your buds, and a better idea of just how good they really are. If you are sampling some buds before making a larger purchase, taking an up-close look at the quality of your initial sample can prevent you from wasting good money on bad cannabis.
Looking for a jar that can best showcase all your buds have to offer? Check out the Smokus Focus Stash Jar and Smokus Focus Middleman cannabis storage jars. These transparent containers feature a built-in magnifier and LED lights that can last for up to 12 hours, allowing you to get a better look at your herb.
Handling a microscope can sometimes be difficult. As such, it is important to use a device that is appropriate for the task at hand. For instance, inspecting live plant material with a tabletop stereo microscope is improbable. Pocket microscopes and digital microscopes are generally ideal for inspecting live plants, whereas larger or tabletop microscopes are best used for cut plant matter.
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