Top 10 Bong Water Alternatives
Reinventing a classic can go either way, these 5 bong water alternatives are just some of the ways to put a new twist on that age-old favourite.
Smoking a bong could be considered the cornerstone of cannabis culture, however like all good classics some need a remake to keep them current and fresh. With the options of how to smoke or consume your cannabis expanding every day, we take a look at some of the conventional and not so conventional alternatives to that classic H2O in your bong.
Now before we get all Heston Blumenthal on that bong water, some liquids just aren't practical. Milk or similar containing high amounts of fat are to be avoided as THC is soluble in fats and you risk losing some of your THC content. Alcohol is also considered a terrible idea; essentially mixing flames and alcohol vapour, never a good idea. As well as most spirits overpowering any cannabis taste from the bong. The other watch out is any drinks with high sugar content, if you don't clean your bong thoroughly after each use it will very quickly make your beloved useless!
Ice Water
The peak of a crisp and refreshing smoke, ice water is the classic H2O with a little twist. The cold temperatures of the water enhance the crisps flavours of your chosen bud as well as a giving the mind a quick blast. For a truly adventurous twist try adding a few mint leaves to the ice water for that classy and sophisticated look.
Hot Tea
The yin to ice water's yang. A great alternative to that classic bong water. Tea comes in an endless variety of flavours, including all manner of fruits teas to help enhance your smoke with your favourite fruit notes. The hot water can make the smoke harsher when inhaling and as such is an acquired taste. However, you can also let the tea cool down, and even add ice, to get tea-flavored water.
More of a visual spectacle than anything else. Gatorade is a great choice for house parties to spice up the look of your bong with its vast spectrum of colours. Whilst it may look impressive, it only mildly enhances the flavour and the high sugar content means that your bong will need an in depth clean before its next use.
Red Wine
Now I know we are breaking the golden rule of using alcohol in your bong, but be sure to choose a wine with low alcohol content for this. A chance for the wine connoisseurs among you to combine two great loves. Much like the enhancement of the smoke with the fruit flavours in tea, wine does the same thing, which is why a red is the best choice. Providing your smoke with those rich, cherry flavours of your favourite rioja.
Cranberry Juice
A cornerstone of bong water alternatives, cranberry juice has been a long standing favourite. Popular because the acidity of the cranberry can help to keep your bong cleaner after uses. Best enjoyed ice cold and fresh to keep the sugar content low, it provides a similar refreshing smoke to the ice water suggested earlier.
Sparkling water is a great alternative to regular water because it contains plenty of flavour and no sugar. Without sugar, your bong won’t get as sticky as it would were you to use fruit juice or soda pop as bong water. Therefore, it won’t require the same level of cleaning and attention afterward.
Moreover, sparkling water comes in a variety of delicious fruit flavours including lime, peach, mango, and apple. The taste of sparkling water is never overpowering. Instead, it provides only subtle hints of flavour that improve your bong-smoking experience.
Bong water can also be successfully infused with everything from mint leaves to essential oils, and even fruits.
Simply add some sliced fruit to a jug of cold water and leave it in the fridge for a few hours to infuse. Otherwise, you can boil the fruit and water mixture for 5 to 10 minutes before letting it cool. Orange and lemon peels can work just as well as sliced fruit for water infusions.
While fruit-infused water can provide some flavour to your bong hits, nothing beats the real thing. Real fruit juice can really give your bong hits a delicious kick. Some commonly used fruit juices include apple, orange, mango, and grapefruit. Just make sure to clean your bong really well after use. The sugar in fruit juice will stick to the inside of your bong, making it a sticky mess and potentially even attracting fruit flies.
If you’re ever caught without bong water during the winter season, just grand a handful of snow or crushed ice instead. Adding a tiny bit of water into the mix, or waiting for some of the snow/ice to melt, can help with smoke consistency. And if you want to change things up a bit, add in some flavoured water mix to give the snow a specific flavour. Just make sure to grab some fresh, clean snow and not the yellow stuff!
Lastly, you can always just mix your favourite flavoured powder into your bong water to give it a different taste. Whether you prefer orange tang or grape Kool-Aid, it’s never a bad idea to carry a few pouches of powder around with your bong. Just remember to clean it well afterward as most flavourings do contain sugar.
The sky is the limit when comes to bong water alternatives and the suggestions listed are just a few of the options recommend. Adding essential oils, vanilla drops and orange peel are all alternatives to be tried, providing their own unique smokes and flavours. Just like Mr. Blumenthal and his adventurous food pairing if it can be added to water it can probably be used as a chance to reinvent that classic.
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