10 Tomato Varieties To Grow
Growing tomatoes used to be a tall order. Ok, so while the plants themselves can reach some dizzy heights, the task itself is a hugely accessible one. So regardless of your prior expertise, setting and budget, we're confident we've picked out 10 of the finest tomato varieties that will suit all preferences and leave you with a bevvy of tasty toms.
There's nothing quite like growing your own tomatoes. Whether you like to add them to salads, make your own sauces or simply love to snack on them, it's a massively rewarding process. Not only bolstering your ability as a grower but also the bevvy of fresh tomatoes at your disposal. So you might think you need vast experience and land to cultivate tomatoes successfully, but that's simply not true. In this article, we'll cover 10 varieties of tomatoes to suit all preferences and setups. Sound good? Let's get into it.
Why should you plant tomatoes?
While we've already touched upon why you should grow tomatoes from home, there are many more reasons to do so. Of course, you can head to your local supermarket and pick up a punnet of tomatoes easily. However, it's well-known that “fresh produce” is occasionally subject to pesticides and unwanted chemicals. These additives deeply impact not only the flavours but also the appearance of vegetables. Growing your own vegetables, namely tomatoes, from home is a surefire way to guarantee complete control of your crop and what goes into the entire cultivating process from start to finish.
What you're left with is a haul of fresh tomatoes that are often the result of a very low-maintenance, low-cost, but highly rewarding growing process, that only requires a small amount of equipment and the seeds themselves. So there's plenty to love about growing tomatoes at home from start to finish and well beyond.
Top 10 tomatoes to grow
So which tomatoes should you be keeping an eye out for to cultivate from home? Of course, your personal preferences will play a considerable role in terms of growing ability and the overall flavour of tomatoes you're looking to produce. So something to bear in mind when checking out our list. But simply put, you can't go wrong with our selections, whichever one/ones you pick. Prepare to make the most of your growing space.
1. Cherry tomato
A true classic, the Cherry tomato is a bite-sized, fresh, plump, juicy red vegetable perfect for plenty of dishes. But are also sweet enough to eat immediately after picking. What's more, is that they're also straightforward to cultivate. Get your seeds started off inside in early Spring. Once those seedlings have reached around 10–25cm in height, it's time to move them outside so they can soak up some sun. Provide them with well-draining soil that has a pH level of about 6.2–6.5 and you can't go wrong. From this point, your Cherry tomatoes will be ready in just a few months. Once ready, they should easily come away from the plant when picked. Throw them in a salad, and you're golden.
2. Tigerella tomato
Known for their eye-catching tiger-like stripes, it's easy to see where this variety got its name. The Tigerella tomato has a rich, fruity, sweet flavour that's just crying out to be on your plate ASAP. These tomatoes were introduced in the 1970s and have been a mainstay in many a garden ever since. They're also extremely versatile and accessible for cultivation and perform very well in beds and pots alike, whether in a greenhouse or outdoors. Get them sown indoors in early March and wait to move them outside until there is no chance of frost. Just provide plenty of air circulation and sun; you'll soon be slicing these bright red bad boys and layering them in a sandwich. It's totally worth it!
3. Pomodori
Look no further than the humble Pomodori tomato for an authentic taste of Italy. Perfect for making soups, sauces and particularly sun-drying, this is one versatile tomato you don't want to miss out on. Simply sow your seeds between February and April and wait until seedlings have at least two true leaves, as this is the point of transplanting. Move them into a greenhouse or outside in pots or directly into beds with well-drained soil to ensure they can catch the full sun. Ensure the ground is kept moist throughout the growing cycle, and you'll be spoilt by a positively massive crop of Pomodori that's ripe for the picking come July–September.
4. Indigo rose tomatoes
With shades of purple and black colouring, you might think that Indigo rose tomatoes have turned bad before you've even tried them. However, this couldn't be further from the truth, as looks are deceiving. These eye-catching tomatoes are bursting with flavour and will add plenty of colour to your dishes. Much like the other tomatoes on our list, Indigo rose tomatoes will need to be started in the early Spring indoors. After just a few weeks, they'll be ready to flourish in the sun and warmth. Test the pH of your well-drained soil and opt for a slightly more acidic level of around 6.0–7.0. Give the plants around 6–8 hours of sunlight a day, and you'll soon see the purple colours appear all over the tomatoes. Just keep an eye out for the green parts of the fruit to turn red, and they'll be ready to pick.
5. Black cherry
An absolute favourite for true tomato aficionados, Black cherry is known for being an abundant variety and has dark black/purple skin that houses sweet flavours within. If you've not tried this variety before, you've got to get them in your home growing op. Sow the seeds indoors in March and then move them outside about 6–8 weeks later. Black cherry tomatoes do have a tendency to stretch out, so be sure to provide them with ample room and support them with caging or staking. It's certainly not unusual for plants to reach heights of around 1.5–2m at the peak of their maturity. It takes just 9–10 weeks of growth outside for the plant to be completely ready. Simply twist off at the stem and enjoy.
6. Costoluto Fiorentino
Whether you know this variety as “Beefsteak” or its more exotic name Costoluto Fiorentino, one thing's for sure; this is one tasty tomato that's bound to impress both the eyes and taste buds. Growing Costoluto Fiorentino is also a cinch. Get your seeds going indoors around February by planting them around 1cm deep into pots. Come April, they'll be ready to head outdoors. This is one bushy plant that likes to spread out, so keep it in mind when placing it in a greenhouse or in bigger pots outside. The bright-red beauties will enjoy the full sun until June and then will be ready to pick.
7. Yellow pear cherry tomato
No prizes for guessing why this variety is named the way it is! These bright lightbulb-shaped tomatoes are quirky but offer great fresh and sweet flavours that are ideal for snacking and adding colour to salads effortlessly. Yellow pear cherry tomatoes make for a growing project that isn't too taxing and is hugely productive. Sow the seeds indoors in Spring and once the seedlings have reached heights of around 10–15cm before migrating outdoors. Give your plants plenty of sun and give them a gap of about 70cm between plants so they have room to branch out. Well-drained soil and a little maintenance and upkeep go a long way here, but don't be afraid to use some tomato feed and fertilizer at opportune moments to really make the most of your crop.
8. Tomatillo
With sharp and tangy flavours, it's no secret that Tomatillos have a bit of an acquired taste. They are more reminiscent of green grapes than a “traditional” tomato. But that's not to say that they don't have their uses! Perfect for Mexican salsas and other sauces, they can be quite versatile in the kitchen. In a growing situation, it's a very similar story. Get your seeds sown in early Spring, and around 6–8 weeks later, they can be moved into your garden space. Requiring well-drained soil with a pH of 7.0, your Tomatillo plant will be right at home. Give them a sunny spot, and they'll effortlessly flourish. Around the 10-week mark, your Tomatillos will be ready. Just give them a little twist on the vine and enjoy.
9. Cocktail tomato “Thai Pink Egg”
As the name suggests, this variety originates from Thailand but can be easily cultivated in various settings and environments. With a smooth shape that's similar to its namesake egg, this is a flavourful tomato that's mild and slightly acidic in flavour. Like the other tomatoes on our list, Springtime is critical for kicking things off, and the Cocktail tomato is no different in this respect. Use small containers and sow seeds about 8 weeks before your planned date of setting outside. Once those seedlings are around 10–12cm tall, it's time to move them. This is one hardy and robust tomato that's heat tolerant and relatively pest resistant. Provide your plants with soil that's well-drained and bolster them with a good watering and feed now and again to really maximise potential. Easy.
10. Great white beefsteak tomato
Another tomato that goes against the grain of “what it means to be a tomato”. The Great white beefsteak tomato has flavours that are closer to sweet melons than that of a standard acidic tomato hit. With a history and origin story shrouded in mystery, the Great white beefsteak tomato is a straightforward veg to cultivate, even in the most novice of grower's hands. To get your hands on this juicy, plump and often massive tomato, sow the seeds in Spring indoors and move outside to coincide with the brighter and warmer days of April and May. Just provide your plants with persistent warmth, light and moist soil, and you can't go wrong.
Time for tomatoes?
I'm sure we've piqued your interest and whet your appetite with our rundown of 10 of the finest tomatoes around to grow today. With just a little know-how and very basic equipment, you too can cultivate high-quality vegetables from the comfort of your home, with very minimal effort and maintenance required. Growing your own tomatoes is a massively rewarding experience that you'll keep coming back to time and time again.
But how can you get started? Simple. Head to the Zamnesia Plantshop and get your pick of the finest seeds and appropriate equipment to start today.
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