Marshmallow | Althaea officinalis (50 grams)
Marshmallow, mallow, or Althaea officinalis is an ancient herb with a long trajectory of folk and culinary use across many cultures, including the Ancient Egyptians, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia.
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It's no coincidence that the Marshmallow or mallow plant (Althaea officinalis) shares a name with a popular, fluffy candy - Thousands of years ago, the Ancient Egyptians enjoyed a gooey sweet treat made out of mallow, honey, and nuts which, years later (and after some alteration by the French and other cultures) would go on to be known as the humble marshmallow.
But besides serving as a key ingredient in delicious candy, Althaea officinalis also has a long history as a folk remedy. In fact, the name Althaea is derived from the Greek word "althainein" which means "to heal." The roots, leaves, and flowers of the mallow plant have had many traditional uses, including in teas and gargles. Even today, syrups made from mallow root are sold as over-the-counter remedies for many symptoms. At home, Althaea officinalis can be used to make hot or cold infusions, juices, or syrup. Traditionally, whole Marshmallow roots can also be washed, peeled, and cooked into both savoury and sweet dishes.
Type | Loose-leaf tea |
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Molto buona per fare tisane, anche vaporizata non è male.
Gute Qualität
Als Tee wirkt es gut gegen festsitzenden Husten, angenehmer Geschmack
Remplace le tabac
Je ne fume plus de tabac grâce à cette plante
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