Qnubu Extraction Paper
From the team at Qnubu comes their take on Extraction Paper. This high-grade paper was designed for those looking to get the most out of their cannabis extracts. Able to withstand the heat and pressure associated with the process, this paper offers superb quality, exactly when you need it most. Easy to use, it makes extraction a much simpler process than ever before.
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Qnubu - Extraction Paper: For Easy Pressing Without Sacrificing Quality
When it comes to the delicate process of extracting the precious oils from your cannabis, you need the highest-quality products and accessories. While some opt to use regular baking paper, this is not the best option as many types are not treated to withstand the pressure and heat involved in the rosin extraction process.
Known for their presses designed for this very purpose, Qnubu has produced extraction paper that can be used with all presses.
With a width of 30cm and a length of 5 metres, this extraction paper will last you quite some time. Complete with dual silicone layering that provides heat and pressure resistance, you can use this product with confidence it'll be up to the task.
Using Qnubu extraction paper is merely a case of placing a nugget of your favourite strain in between a folded sheet, then positioning the paper under the press. All that's left to do is extract! You can rest assured the paper will not tear, but will collect all of the oil produced with ease.
Length | 5m |
Width | 30cm |
More information related to this product:
Het betere bakpapier.
Want gewoon bakpapier doet raar onder de rosinpers.
Genauso das richtige für Leute die Extrakt herstellen wollen.
Hält was es verspricht
Sehr gute Qualität und perfekt für's verpacken von Öl... unbedingt ein muss
Gutes Papier
Erfüllt seinen Zweck recht ordentlich. Festes, glattes, weißes Papier.
goed product
zeer handig
Very good quality paper
Very good quality paper
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