Eucalyptus globulus (20 grams)
Eucalyptus leaves possess a potent mix of aromatic terpenes that light up the olfactory system and put the mind at ease. The leaves of this towering tree make a great addition to a relaxing blend.
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Zamnesia - Eucalyptus globulus: Aromatic Eucalyptus Leaves
Eucalyptus globulus—also known as southern blue gum—originates from southeastern Australia. The evergreen tree features smooth bark, glossy green leaves, and peaks at towering heights of 90–100m. Although absolutely huge, you can often smell eucalyptus trees before you see them. The leaves of these botanical giants possess an essential oil composed of pungent terpenes.
Eucalyptus oil primarily contains the terpenes pinene, sabinene, camphene, and limonene. Interestingly, several of these compounds are also found in the cannabis plant, where they can help to elevate mood and reduce tension.
Bag with 20g of Eucalyptus globulus leaves, shredded
Type | Loose-leaf tea |
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Im vap bei Erkältung
Sehr gut im Vaporizer
Tolle Qualität. Nur zwei Kammern im Dynavap sind schon sehr hilfreich bei beginnender Erkältung. Angenehmes „Sauna-Gefühl“ in den Atemwegen. Am besten sehr langsam und sanft ziehen, weil das Frischegefühl schon sehr intensiv ist.
Mit Lavendel gemischt ist es noch ein Bisschen sanfter und sehr lecker.
Gute Qualität
Rico en te
Efecto sutil
Sehr gut
Hilft bei Erkältungen
Anzi ottimo! Fa bene sia che tu abbia il raffreddore oppure no. E credo che faccia molto bene...
Love it
Eucalyptus, very usefull
vaporized it is very useful for the purification of places, even essential, it can be used with other fragrances, guaranteed comfort.
super à vaporiser
Pleasant flavor
Good to mix with other herbs
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