Black Domina (Sensi Seeds) Feminized
Black Domina is the original old school heavy duty indica hybrid. This blend of genetics is still unmatched even by fire contemporary marijuana varieties. The master breeders Sensi Seeds struck white gold when they successfully created this almost pure indica beast. In just 7 weeks of flowering expect chunky resin dripping nuggs of intensely couchlocking cannabis from compact productive plants.
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The dankest marijuana nuggs in the game for 2 decades
In 1996 Sensi Seeds released the now legendary Black Domina. Ever since this top-shelf pedigree indica has been packing grow ops around the globe with the fattest frostiest nuggs. Combining the genetics of the world’s most renowned indica strains was an inspired decision. Elite selections of the dankest Northern Lights, Ortega, Hash Plant and a rare Afghani specimen “SA” comprise the Black Domina lineage. The strain is the dark green organic bud machine of every indica connoisseur’s dreams. Now available in feminised seeds.
Few strains have such an enduring legacy as the Black Domina. And it’s not done in the 21st century grow op. Not by a long shot. Sticky ultra resinous tight buds are de rigueur these days and Black Domina is a big part of reason why.
Black Domina is a very compact branchy plant with short internode spacing. The main stem if not pruned develops a chunky main cola. This versatile strain is ideally suited to a range of high yield cultivation methods. Black Domina is proven to perform in a variety of grow styles from SOG to ScrOG. Even without pruning and training techniques, this strain can be highly productive. Friendly to beginners and held in the highest regard by professional growers everywhere.
The rich earthy musk and full-bodied flavour with mixed notes of black pepper and black hash will keep you coming back for more. Black Domina is a perfect night time smoke and infamous for its ability to glue stoners to the couch. Powerful munchies attacks are also commonly reported. Relax lay back and take a ride to Dreamland with the Black Domina.
Brand | Sensi Seeds |
Genetics | Indica-dominant |
Flowering Type | Photoperiod |
Flowering Time | 7-8 weeks |
Sex | Feminized |
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Great strain
Classic taste
Guter Ertrag und Geschmack
Lieferung wie immer top und 3 von 4 gekeimt. Bin zufrieden.
Blitzversand all sprouted
PS: Ihr seid mein neuer Stammladen :)
Ich liebe diesen strain. Im Zelt eine super Pflanze. In der Stadt am Balkon geht sie leider sehr spät in die Blüte. Andere waren schon 1 Monat früher dran. Was mich ehrlich wundert. Habe Dutzende Dominas im Zelt angebaut über die Jahre hab diese Problem nie gehabt. Deswegen bleibt sie einer meiner Lieblings strains.
Leider nur 2/4 gekeimt..aber die beiden machen sich gut, mal abwarten.
Alltime Favorit
Black Domina ist einfach super! Super Geschmack und Wirkung. Habe viel probiert, aber Black Domina überzeugt mich jedesmal aufs neue!
Für mich eine der besten Sorten! Klassiker!
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