Ephedra (Ma Huang) 20 seeds


The dried leaves of the ephedra plant act as a natural stimulant and energizer and have an appetite-suppressing effect. With our fresh ephedra sinica seeds you can now grow your own ephedra plant easily at home.

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Ephedra Sinica Seeds: Grow Your Own Ephedra Plant At Home

Ephedra sinica, also known as Chinese ephedra or Ma Huang is a plant from the family of Ephedraceae that grows in parts of north-eastern China, Russia and Mongolia.

The effect of Ephedra is stimulating and energizing and helps to reduce the hunger feeling. Here in the West, Ephedra has recently become popular as being a natural stimulant and weight-loss supplement. In fact, the medicine ephedrine is derived from Ephedra, and has a multitude of uses. It is often utilised in the medical field to treat numerous conditions, including hypotension, allergic reactions, asthma, and nasal congestion, to name just a few.

Growing ephedra is not very difficult and doesn’t require any special growing skills. You can germinate the plant and grow it in moderate temperatures indoors or outdoors although ephedra likes it on the warmer side with plenty of sun. Should you happen to live in a colder climate like in the UK it can be best if you grow the plant indoors.

Making Ephedra Tea

You can simply pick the leaves of the ephedra plant and hang them to dry. Once dried, grind the leaves and use them to make ephedra tea that will provide the energizing and stimulating effect. The recommended dosage for two cups of ephedra tea is if you take 10 grams of dried leaves and have them steep for 10 minutes. Afterwards, pour the tea through a coffee filter. You can add sugar, honey or sweetener as per your own taste.

Contains: Ma Huang (Ephedra sinica) 20 Seeds

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Reviews (38)

    Aufzucht Anleitung
    Die Samen haben eine super Qualität. Man muss nur folgendes beachten um eine höhere Keim Chance zu bekommen. Beste Methode zur Keimung von Ephedra-Samen: 1. Stratifizierung (optional, aber empfohlen) Samen für 2–4 Wochen in den Kühlschrank legen (in feuchtem Sand oder Küchenpapier in einem Plastikbeutel). Dies ahmt den natürlichen Kältereiz nach und verbessert die Keimrate. 2. Vorquellen Samen 12–24 Stunden in lauwarmem Wasser einweichen. Das hilft, die harte Samenschale aufzuweichen. 3. Aussaat in Substrat (empfohlen) Gut durchlässige Erde (z. B. Sand + Kakteenerde) verwenden. Samen nur leicht mit Sand bedecken, da sie Licht zum Keimen brauchen. Erde leicht feucht halten, aber keine Staunässe!

    B. B.

    Top Qualität, schnelle Lieferung
    Top Qualität schnelle Lieferung . Super!

    A. M.

    Keimung funktioniert
    9/20 Samen sind gekeimt! Licht, Wärme und jeden 3. Tag bewässert, Pflanzen wachsen

    M. S.

    germination ok
    tres bien germées

    J. C.

    Sehr gut
    Habe erstmal nur zwei ausgesäht und einer ist schonmal gekeimt freue mich schon auf die Verkostung wenn die kleine groß ist

    T. F.

    Mal was anderes
    Lieferung kam schnell und gut verpackt. Samen machen einen guten Zustand und werden nächstes Jahr den Garten bereichern

    P. L.

    gut verpackt
    schnell geliefert

    K. M.

    Tolles Produkt
    Samen sind gut gekeimt und wachsen toll.

    R. H.

    Graines ephedra
    Livraison rapide... plus qu'à planter

    F. C.

    Germination rate is about 1% if even that much.
    From 40 seeds just about three showed some kind of germination but then died. Waste of money.

    A. S.
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Ephedra (Ma Huang) 20 seeds
Ephedra (Ma Huang) 20 seeds
All products are intended for legal purposes only and are not for consumption or illegal use. Cannabis seeds are sold as souvenirs, and germination is illegal in many countries—please be informed before purchasing. By purchasing, you confirm that you have reached the age of majority and are aware of your local laws. Zamnesia is not liable for any actions taken in violation of these laws. All cannabis, hemp, mushroom-related, and other products are sold in strict compliance with applicable local regulations.
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