Glass Herb And Oil Bong Black Leaf
This bong for herbs and oils by Black Leaf is a fantastic 2-in-1 product. Packed in a foam-rubber-cushioned carrying case, it is equipped with a six-armed percolator with splash protection, an adapter with diffusor slits and dents to hold ice cubes. Bowls for herbs and oils included.
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Black Leaf - Glass Herb And Oil Bong: Comes With All The Bells And Whistles
This glass bong by Black Leaf is a great device designed for all the users that like both dried herbs and concentrates. The bong is a classic beaker design with a simple “Black Leaf” inscription at the base of the bong. A foam-rubber-cushioned carrying case makes travelling with this equipment super easy! Accessories and extras include a six-armed percolator with splash protection, an adapter with diffusor slits, ice notches, and bowls for herbs and oils.
Height: 36cm
Diameter: 44mm
Joint size: 18.8mm/14.5mm
Wall thickness: ~5mm
Carrying case: 43 × 17 × 13.2cm
Height | 36cm |
Material | Glass |
Recommended screen size | 10mm |
Bong Joint Size | 18 Female |
Bowl Size | 14 Male |
Downstem Joint Size | 14 Female |
Downstem Length | 115mm |
Length | 30-39cm |
More information related to this product:
Black Leaf Ice Bong
Alles gut
Bon premier bang de qualité
Pas déçu de l'achat, offre assez de possibilité pour se procurer un bon bang, herbe et huiles avec un bon traitement de la fumée, verre bien épais
Sehr schön
Très beau BONG et très plaisant
Bing bong
Really good stuff guys really good
Bang génial
Super bang, facile à nettoyer, génère de super grosses taffes, très polyvalent, permet de fumer de l'herbes de la résine ou des concentrés. Pour fumeurs confirmés. Les encoches pour les glaçons font le taf à merveille. Le percolateur à 6 bras fonctionne bien quand le bang est droit, sinon un ou deux bras feront le travail que devrait faire les six.
Wonderful bong
Nic Bong, beautiful, easy to manage and clean, I use HCl 25%.
I need filters for the bong? Where can i buy filters? I don´t know size for this bong
Grundsätzlich eine gute Bong
Wenn du keine großen Ansprüche hast u einfach nur "ab u zu deine Kräuter rauchen willst, hol dir das Teil! Aber ich muss dir, bei täglichen Gebrauch, ganz klar abraten!!! Wenn du ne zweit Pfeiffe als Reserve, für Schäden Arbeit, Camping "nein besser nicht trotz echt dickem Glas"...brauchst hol dir das Teil! Auch wenn du nicht soviel Geld hast, u mit abstrichen g leben kannst
Very nice bong, Smooth pull
This is a really good bong for the money, however the oil piece is a bit weird.
very difficult to clean ..doesnt work proper ..
very difficult to clean the uper part or impossbile without alcohol - overalll bad performance water goes up + dirt
or you put just a little water but this is ridiculous to smoke --
& the worst bowl for oil works very very poorly very disappointed
so overall very bad
very disapointed i bought my first bong 25 ago so i got some experience but this is waste of time and money
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