EZ Test MDMA Purity


Buying Ecstasy can be like playing the lottery - you never know if you draw a blank. In many cases it is cut with other substances and sometimes it can be almost pure, so you are always left in the dark regarding the purity of the product you acquired. Use this test to quickly check the purity of the MDMA in your sample. Content: 1 Test

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EZ Test MDMA Purity: Quick test to check the purity of your sample

Nowadays, buying Ecstasy can be like playing the lottery - you never know if you draw a blank or hit the jackpot. In many cases it has been laced with dubious cutting agents such as (meth)amphetamine or piperazine and sometimes the pills contain almost pure MDMA, so you are always left in the dark regarding the purity of the product you acquired.

Use this test to quickly check the purity of the MDMA in your sample. Simply place 20mg of your finely powdered sample in the reagent liquid, shake the vial and let it sit for a while. Within 5 to 15 minutes you will get an idea of the purity of the tested product - however, to achieve the best results it is recommended to wait for 30 to 45 minutes.

Content: 1 Test - with detailed instructions and a color chart


EZ Test MDMA Purity data sheet
Purpose of product Purity Test

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Reviews (43)

    Wird noch benutzt
    Ist zur Überprüfung

    S. W.

    Ejerce su labor determinado la pureza y con el añadido de que detecta 2 impurezas extra en el resultado lo cuál nunca viene de mal.

    C. P.

    ...altijd fijn dat jullie dingen hebben om te kunnen testen, top!

    W. V.

    Prueba rapida
    cambia de color muy rapido

    M. C.

    hat reinheit angezeigt
    funktioniert wie es soll

    C. H.

    Como los otros test que vende zamnesia, resulta práctico in situ para quienes "salen de fiesta" en estos tiempos con tantas adulteraciones peligrosas, Se lo he regalado a familiar por su aniversario por la confiabilidad de la marca.

    C. H.

    Seguridad dentro de la inseguridad

    M. B.

    Wichtiger Test für Parties!
    Funktioniert sehr gut und ist wichtig, seine Waren vor dem Feiern immer zu testen. Guter Preis und einfache Durchführung.

    T. G.

    Ez-test MDMA - Fidèle aux descriptifs
    Très facile d'utilisation avec le petit livret fourni avec (à traduire). Par contre c'est pas évident d'inséré les 20Mg de produits sans s'y reprendre plusieurs fois (paroi très étroite), même en fine poudre et feuille de papier plié en deux.

    D. G.

    Easy to use and precise
    It’s much better than other tests I’ve bought. It’s easy to use, the results are fast and instructions are well explained

    A. D.
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EZ Test MDMA Purity
EZ Test MDMA Purity
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