EZ Test Ecstasy
EZ Test Ecstasy is an easy test to ascertain wether a tablet or powder contains MDMA. Since street drugs like XTC are often cut with other substances, and EZ Test Ecstasy is an effective test to identify potentially dangerous ingredients.
Buy 3 units | 5% Discount |
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EZ-Test Ecstasy utilizes a harmless reagent to determine whether a substance contains Ecstasy (MDMA).
EZ Test Ecstasy is an effective test to determine if a pill or powder contains MDMA, DXM, 2C-B/C/I, DOB, DOI, Methylone, Butylone, Naphyrone, Meth, Amphetamine and opiates. Since XTC is prohibited and even precursor substances underly strict regulations, it is often adulterated with potentially dangerous agents.
To test your sample, you need only a few minutes. Open one of the EZ Test phials and drop your sample into it. Shake gently to mingle the reagent with your sample and watch the color change. EZ Test Ecstasy can be ordered as single test kit or as a 10 tests package. Informations how to interpret the color charts and an instruction sheet are included.
Purpose of product | Detection Test |
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Wie es in der Beschreibung steht , wenn man konsumiert dann was reines und nicht Rattengift oder dergleichen .es hat nur wenige Sekunden gedauert bis es farblich wurde. Perfekt wenn man im Zeitdruck ist
Noch nicht benutzt
Ist nur ne Absicherung
Fonctionne très bien
Simpel und schnell
gerne wieder
Good test
Zeer goede testers!
Prueba buena
es rapido y cambia de color
funktioniert super
test estasy
El amigo a quien lo regalé me ha dicho que funciona,
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