Power Buds (Plagron)
When you want to give your plants a little helping hand during the all-important flowering phase, you can trust Plagron to have your back. Their new biostimulant, Power Buds, is a liquid that you can add to water and use as soon as flowering starts. Designed to stimulate the growth of flowers and speed the entire process up, this product is an excellent addition to a grower's arsenal.
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Plagron - Power Buds: An Effective Biostimulant
Plagron is well-known for delivering quality cultivation products, and now they've introduced Power Buds, a liquid biostimulant intended to support a plant's flowering phase.
Containing a specialised molecule that helps plants to produce amino acids, Power Buds stimulates the nutrition process, which in turn accelerates the production of flowers and the speed of the flowering phase. This product is free from hormones and other harmful ingredients, and is not a fertiliser. It can be safely used with other products as it doesn't increase EC value.
Add Power Buds to your existing feeding regime as soon as flowering starts, and plants are sure to direct energy to the production of flowers as opposed to stem growth, which also means plants will stay more compact.
Shake the bottle well before every use. Measure out a maximum of 1ml per 1l of water, and use throughout the flowering phase.
Plagron Power Buds: Explainer video
More information related to this product:
Power bud
Hâte de tester, il sera mon complément à alga bloom
Tres bonne qualité
Engrais efficace
Sehr zufrieden
Funktioniert sehr gut
Bomben dünger
Bin begeistert seit ich den dünger verwende
In combination with the other plagron fertiliser just amazing!
Power Buds Rezension
Sehr guter Dünger
Good stimulator
Good stimulator. Always used Plagron Products with pleasure
Einen Versuch wert
Test läuft im Moment noch, ich bin aber zuversichtlich dass es sich positiv auswirkt.
Wie alle Dünger von Plagroon auch hier ein toller Dünger-Zusatz.
Ob das Ergebnis ohne diesen Dünger ebenso gut wäre, weiß ich nicht.
Ich weiß aber, dass er dauerhaft in mein Repertoir aufgenommen wird!
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