Salvia Extract 20x
Half way between the pure herb and ‘ultimate strength’ 40x extract, this 20x Salvia extract will certainly blow away the cobwebs of your mind.
Buy 3 units | 5% Discount |
Buy 5 units | 10% Discount |
Buy 10 units | 15% Discount |
Quantity | 1 gram |
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Very good not strong enoght for me
Its very good very real but it was not strong enoght for me
Trip parfait
Acompagner le avec des champi et une pipe an stéatite et vous atteindrez les cieux !
Nur zu empfehlen
Ja ballert...
knallt mir echt noch zu stark , da verabschiede ich mich instant aus der Realität, das mag ich nicht aber wer das mag findet was er sucht ;)
hits pretty good
altho it doesnt seem like it is potent enough for my taste, the smoke is pretty rough but it hits awesome
First time using salvia, had a lot of very nice trips with those and still a lot to go with a single bag. Thanks a lot !
tuve un problema pero zamnesia lo arreglo
el producto vino deteriorado, sin efecto, me puse en contacto con soporte y lo resolvieron en menos de 24h , increible! zamnesia no defrauda :)
In a pipe
Vi divertirete ;)
Sbongate uno 0.15 in compagnia di un bravo trip sitter, trattenete il fumo nei polmoni per almeno 15 secondi e ne vedrete delle belle, consiglio personale, provate prima altri psichedelici non andate subito a questo, è qualcosa che richiede una forte tolleranza mentale e buona abilità di abbandonare la realtà, non provate a resistere all'effetto o vi tirerà solo più forte in altre dimensioni, buona sesh. ;)
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