Blue Lotus - Nymphaea caerulea
Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) is first mentioned in the Egyptian Book of the Dead; blue and white lotuses were the most important ritual plants in ancient Egypt. The flowers were worn in the hair of the living and the dead, and were an important ornamental element in Egyptian art.
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Blue Lotus | Nymphaea caerulea | Dried
Originally Blue Lotus (actually a water lily) grew only in the Nile delta, an exclusivity that led to its decline to the point of disappearance. Thanks to seed merchants and a re-discovered psychoactivity, it is now grown around the world by professionals and amateurs. Dosages of 5 to 10 grams of the flowers induces slight stimulation, a shift in thought processes, enhanced visual perception, and mild closed-eye visuals. Effects dissipate quickly after 2 hours.
A pack contains 10 grams of dried blue lotus flowers.
Take 5 grams per person of flowers and soak in hot water. For a traditional Egyptian drink, soak same amount of flowers in a bottle of wine for a few hours. The flowers make the wine bitter, but potent.
Active ingredients unknown, but believed to be various alkaloids.
Format | Natural Form |
Brand | Other |
Type | Loose-leaf tea |
Weight | 10 grams |
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Blauer Lotus
Good Quality
Blauer Lotus
Habe Tee mit blauen Lotus, Hopfen und Fliegenpilz aufgegossen. War sehr inspirierend!
Sensubilizza il tatto ed è leggermente ipnotico
L'ho provato sia mettendolo a macerare nel vino per una settimana, che come infuso, che fumandolo. Gli effetti manggiori li ho avuti con una quantità inferiore al grammo facendo un infuso di 15min in acqua bollente. Il tatto, soprattutto sulla punta delle dita, aumenta notevolmente di sensibilità. Fumato, si sente più alla testa, svuota i pensieri e lascia in una sensazione ipnotica diversa dalla cannabis, ma comunque leggera. Nulla di forte, un buon odore ma ne il fumo ne la tisana hanno un sapore spettacolare. Non è male come leggero afrodisiaco, non ho trovato alcuna capacità oneirogena.
Sehr leicht und mild
Im Gegensatz zum Harz deutlich milder in der beruhigenden Wirkung aber angenehm im Geschmack beim Rauchen. Als Tee ziemlich bitter im Geschmack
Sehr angehnehm
Super duft und geschmack!! Als tee und auch als Tabakersatz gut verwendbar!!
Muss noch probieren
Riecht an sich nicht blumig aber hatte es vorher noch nie . Werde es die Tage probieren wie es wirk
En fumer
Superbe a mixer avec un peu de bonne herbe a rire, excellent pour remplacer le tabac je conseille vivement.
High quality flowers
One of the best products found here.
I started studying the blue lotus a few years ago and having it available here at Zamns gives an extra trust factor to the product in question.
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