Psilocybe cubensis Mexican is probably the most commonly known strain of magic mushrooms - and the most famous and widely spread in the world too. This is the strain the indigenous tribes in South America called it "Flesh of the gods" and used it to connect to their gods. The kit contains 1200ml of 100% populated substrate and delivers several flushes.
Psilocybe Cubensis "B+" is a very popular magic mushroom strain because of its beautiful fruits that can reach a size of 30cm. These Supa-Gro kits produce multiple flushes and all you need is patience. The grow kit contains 1200ml of 100% mycelium.
Psilocybe Cubensis McKennaii is said to be an even stronger strain than the popular and famous (and hard to cultivate) Hawaiian (Copelandia cyanescens). It definitely is for the more experienced, visually interested psychonauts due its very philosophical trip with a strong visual component. This grow kit contains a 100% colonized 1200ml cake.
Psilocybe Cubensis Panama is a potent strain originating from - honest - Panama; originally found in the garden of a hotel in Panama City it produces medium to large fruits with a bold cap. This kit contains 1200ml of 100% colonized substrate and is ready to grow fresh mushrooms within a few weeks and with almost no effort. Optimal fruiting temperatures: 74-78°F/23-25°C.
Psilocybe Cubensis Brazil is an aggressive and extremely fast colonizer - and very easy to grow. All you need is one of these 100% mycelium, a little bit of water and a bit more patience. Large, dense fruits and lightning fast - served in several flushes. This cubensis strain produces nice prints to continue your research with.
Psilocybe Cubensis Cambodian is the perfect choice for novice growers - this variety is really easy to cultivate and boasts with relatively predictable crops. Originally it had been found near the spectacular Angkor Wat temple complex, but now you can grow your Khmer mushrooms right at home. These kits are filled with 100% mycelium.
Psilocybe Cubensis White Lightning is a totally new magic mushroom variety and there is no information available yet, but we are happy to be one of the first shops to offer this novelty. This kit contains 1200ml of 100% mycelium and is ready to grow when it arrives at your doorstep. All you need is patience and a little water and you'll harvest a lot of magic mushrooms.
Psilocybe Cubensis Mazatapec (also known as Maz) is easy to grow variety with a rather vague history. It is said it was first found around Mazatapec, Mexico, but it has never been a very popular strain. But it has not been forgotten - now you can grow these magic Mexicans at home. This 100% grow-kit contains 1200ml of fully colonized substrate.
Psilocybe Cubensis Ecuador originates from the Ecuadorian Andean region and is among the more popular strains today. This variety often produces very big mushrooms, even when the conditions are not perfect - hey, it can get cold up there in alpine altitudes. 1200ml of 100% mycelium and ready to grow substrate, enough for 2 flushes (minimum).
Psilocybe Cubensis Hawaiian is a fast growing variety with large flushes and big fruits. Do not confuse Cubensis Hawaiian with Hawaiian Copelandia (Panaeolus cyanascens) - the fruit-bodies of this Cubensis are much heavier and their appearance resembles the Cambodian strain, rather wide and bell shaped caps, but with thicker and bigger stems. Wanna learn the Hawaiian mushroom dance?
Psilocybe Cubensis Colombian is known for its strong effects but it also is a great variety for the novice psychonaut because only very few reported feelings of anxiety when tripping on this strain (hey, it can happen!). The effect of the Colombian is a very social feeling and it is not so heavy on visuals.
Psilocybe Cubensis Golden Teacher is a magic mushroom strain that will teach you a better world. This strain first started to appear in the late 1980's, but the exact origin is unknown. Golden Teacher is a well deserved name - the color of the caps is golden and it has shamanistic capabilities to teach you a better world.
Supa Gro is known for their high-quality grow kits and we take a pride in being able to offer these kits to our customers! Where is the catch you ask? Well, we will send you a randomly picked strain ... but hey, it is a blind date with a psychedelic comrade guaranteed to take you on a journey to the depths of your soul!
Godfather of this Psilocybe cubensis strain is the American writer, teacher, researcher and psychonaut Terence McKenna. There is a rumor that this Psilocybe cubensis variety is even more potent than the popular and famous Copelandia cyanescens (also known as the "Hawaiian"). Its highly philosophical trip with a strong visual aspect makes it a treat for the more experienced psychonaut.
The magic mushroom Psilocybe cubensis Golden Teacher made its first appearance in the late 1980's. The origin is unknown, but what the name refers to is plain to see - the caps have a golden color and the effect can teach you new perspectives. You can expect several flushes - and all you need is a tad of patience.
Golden Teacher is a big, beautiful, and compact cubensis that impresses with excellent yields. But that’s not all it has to offer; thanks to its mysterious origins, Golden Teacher has a unique appearance with golden caps and thick, ivory-coloured stems.
The most widely known strain of Psilocybe cubensis is probably the "Mexican". The indigenous tribes in South America used this "flesh of gods" to get in contact with their gods. This is the "forefather" of all magic mushrooms, for it was the first mushroom identified as being psychoactive. Albert Hofmann identified psilocybin and psilocin as the active compounds in this mushroom.
McKennaii is a very welcome addition to the ever growing collection of magic mushroom growkits offered on Zamnesia. What they lack in size the McKennaii compensates with in sheer numbers and strength. This will be a certain favourite with discerning mycelium fans.
Believed to originate in the Amazon jungle, PES Amazonian delivers a psychedelic experience worthy of shamans and soul searchers. Revered for growing tall and developing an exotic cap with a pronounced nipple, this cubensis offers a lightning-fast colonisation speed.
Psilocybe Cubensis "B+" is one of the most popular varieties because of its beautiful fruit-bodies. These grow-kits are capable of producing multiple flushes (treat them correctly and you will see several flushes) and all you need is patience and some water. The grow kit contains vermiculite as casing layer, perlite to retain water and the colonized substrate.
The magic mushroom strain Psilocybe cubensis "B+" is very popular - and for good reasons. The abundantly produced beautiful fruit-bodies can reach a size of 30cm and the name "B+" refers to its effect. With these kits it is possible to harvest multiple flushes (4 flushes are pretty much the minimum, provided you don't behave utterly stupid) and all you need is a little patience.
The ivory, bell-shaped caps are distinct from flat-topped cubensis mushrooms, and the powerful effects distinguish themselves as a unique adventure for the mycelium lover. As one of the first mushrooms to be identified as psychoactive, Mexican delivers a profound experience of strange meets fantastic.
Psilocybe cubensis Ecuador is the mountain dweller within the family of magic mushrooms. It is known to withstand not so perfect conditions (lower temperatures) during fructification - but that's no miracle, it originates from the Ecuadorian Andean region and it can get pretty chilly up there. This a somewhat special variety, for it can make you feel as if you were running a mental marathon.
Psilocybe Cubensis Cambodian is the ideal choice for beginners - this strain is extremely easy to cultivate and yields relatively predictable harvests. The first specimen were found near the Angkor Wat temple complex, but now you can grow these Khmer mushrooms at home. These grow-kits are filled with fully colonized substrate.