How To Germinate Cannabis Seeds Using Coffee Filters

There are many ways to germinate weed seeds, and each has its benefits and drawbacks. Here we explore the technique of germinating seeds in coffee filters, which have the advantages of optimal humidity and aeration.

When you start growing weed, it’s easy to be overwhelmed with the myriad options at your disposal. From strain selection to choosing the right growing medium, lighting setup, and germination method—there are many choices for the beginner brain to make! Well, we’re here to offer you yet another way to germinate cannabis seeds; namely, by using coffee filters.

The good news is that using coffee filters has emerged as a surprisingly efficient and straightforward technique. This article will walk you through the entire process, from the basics of why coffee filters are a good choice to detailed instructions and tips for achieving the best results.

Why germinate cannabis seeds using a coffee filter?

Why germinate cannabis seeds using a coffee filter?

Germinating cannabis seeds in coffee filters is simple and effective, but why would you do it in the first place? Coffee filters provide an ideal environment for seed germination due to their ability to retain moisture and allow for air exchange. Humidity is the number one concern when germinating cannabis seeds, so an appropriately humid environment is about the best thing you can give your seeds. This method also reduces the risk of mould and bacterial growth—common issues with other germination methods.


  • Moisture control and humidity: Coffee filters maintain the necessary moisture level for seed germination. This creates an environment with a very high level of humidity, without becoming waterlogged.
  • Air circulation: Coffee filters allow for adequate air exchange, helping to reduce the chances of mould and bacteria taking hold.
  • Cost-effective: Using coffee filters is an inexpensive way to start your cannabis seeds.
  • Visibility: Monitoring the progress of your seeds is easy, and you needn't disturb them.


  • Handling delicate sprouts: Transferring sprouted seeds to their growing medium requires careful handling to avoid damage. A damaged taproot can be bad news, so you have to be careful with this method.
  • Limited space: Larger seeds or multiple seeds may require more space than a single coffee filter can provide. But fortunately, two coffee filters won’t bust the bank!

How to germinate cannabis seeds using coffee filters

How to germinate cannabis seeds using coffee filters

Below we outline step-by-step instructions to ensure your seeds have the best start in life. As you’re working with seeds and then freshly sprouted seeds, you must be extremely clean and careful during all parts of this process. If you damage a seed or taproot, or transfer some kind of infection, you can ruin a grow before it’s even got off the ground (literally)!


  • Cannabis seed(s)
  • Coffee filter
  • Plastic bags or containers (to create a humid environment)
  • Misting bottle (for maintaining moisture)
  • Tweezers (optional, for handling seeds)
  • A warm, dark place (for optimal germination conditions)


1. Preparation: Moisten a coffee filter with water, ensuring it's damp but not soaking wet.


2. Position the seeds: Place your cannabis seeds in the pocket of the coffee filter. Make sure to only place a few seeds per filter at most, as you want to ensure they have adequate room.

Position the seeds

3. Create a humid environment: Put the coffee filters with the seeds inside a plastic bag or container, such as a Tupperware. This setup helps to maintain the necessary moisture and warmth. However, do not entirely seal the container, as a little air exchange is beneficial.

Create a humid environment

4. Storage: Store the seeds in a warm, dark place. A cupboard will work well, so long as it stays relatively warm (around 20–25ºC). Darkness is not necessary, but the seed does not require light to germinate. Check daily, ensuring the coffee filters remain moist but not waterlogged. Use the misting bottle about once a day to moisten the coffee filter. Ensure no water sits in the container.


5. Observation and care: Seeds typically begin to sprout within 2–7 days, but can take up to 21. Once sprouted, they're ready to be carefully transferred to their growing medium. The young seedling should be transplanted as soon as it has sprouted.

Observation and care

Hints and tips for germinating cannabis seeds using coffee filters

Hints and tips for germinating cannabis seeds using coffee filters

  • Temperature matters: Aim for a consistent temperature of around 22–25ºC for optimal germination. Temperatures slightly outside of this range can still work, but expect slower germination and potentially lower rates of success. Note that seeds can handle cooler temperatures better than higher temperatures, as they’ve evolved to sprout in early spring.
  • Avoid overhandling: Minimise touching the seeds or sprouts to prevent damage. Ideally, you should only handle them when you first position them, and when you later transplant them.
  • Patience is key: Some seeds may take longer to germinate, so give them time before discarding any that seem slow to sprout.
  • Not ideal for autoflowers: As autoflowers have a short vegetative cycle that cannot be extended, it’s best to avoid the stress of transplanting. Therefore, autoflower seeds should be germinated directly in their final pots/garden beds.

Time to transplant your seedlings

Time to transplant your seedlings

Once your seeds have sprouted, it's time to transfer them to their new homes. This could be some tiny pots in which to rear your seedlings, or their final homes. Wherever you transplant them to, this crucial step requires gentle handling to ensure the young plants continue to grow and thrive. For guidance on when and how to transplant your cannabis plants for bigger yields, follow our detailed guide.

Germinating cannabis seeds using coffee filters is a method suitable for growers of all types and experience levels. With its simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency, it offers an accessible way to give your seeds an optimally humid environment.

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