Zamnesia Zuchtset 'McKennaii'
Die StĂ€rke der Wirkstoffe in dieser Sorte wird Dich begeistern, Du bekommst visuelle Leckerbissen und ĂŒbernatĂŒrliche Mahlströme. McKennaii Ăš l'ultimo fungo allucinogeno offerto dalla Zamnesia. Was ihnen an GröĂe fehlt kompensieren die McKennaii mit ihrer bloĂen Anzahl und StĂ€rke. Wird bestimmt ein Favorit unter anspruchsvollen Myzel-Fans.
Kaufe 3 | 5% Rabatt |
Kaufe 5 | 10% Rabatt |
Nich besonders groĂ, dafĂŒr ĂŒppig und kraftvoll, der McKennaii trifft alle richtigen Töne fĂŒr Psilocybin-Fans
McKennaii, von Zamnesia entwickelt wurde bringt das ganze Universum zu Dir nach Hause. Psilocybe McKennaii ist eine hervorragende ErgĂ€nzung der Aufstellung von Zamnesia. Wenn Du ein AnfĂ€ngerzĂŒchter und -nutzer bist, solltest Du es das erste Mal langsam angehen. Wenn Du allerdings ein Erfahrener Abenteurer bist, dann wirst Du beschwingt und sehr zufrieden sein.
Der McKennaii ist nicht der gröĂte Pilz, doch er ist einfach anzubauen, entwickelt sich schnell und ist sehr ĂŒppig. Wenn Du die Kappen, die einer Schildkrötenschale Ă€hneln, einmal konsumiert hast, wirst Du die Ozeane des Chaos mit SouverĂ€nitĂ€t und kindlicher Heiterkeit navigieren können. Jedes Set bietet mindestens zwei SchĂŒbe (maximal fĂŒnf).
- Zuchtset
- Filterbeutel
Volumen | 1200ML |
Marke | Zamnesia |
Strain | McKennai |
Mehr Information zu diesem Produkt:
I have bought and grown several kits from Zamnesia and always had good yields, but this time I'm disappointed. The first kit was contaminated and was quickly replaced (5 stars to the customer service which was really efficient). But this second kit is also not producing anything, although it does not seem contaminated. Other friends of mine who bought at the same time are very disappointed.
Zamnesia Zuchtset 'McKennaii'
Leider nach drei Wochen erst ein pilz. Hab eine heizmatte um die WĂ€rme bei zu behalten. Aber bringt auch nichts. Schade um das Geld.
Really happy with this kit, growing easy and with no concern about watering inside the bag. Not the biggest flush for this first experience but really stable !
Fantastic results
It took 12 days from the date of delivery to harvest my first flush - I harvested 181g wet which dried to ~17g. A 2g dose (tea infusion) produced some very enjoyable yet mild effects, the body high wasn't as heavy as other varieties which for me was a massive plus for the Mckennaii's.
Overall: a great kit with brilliant results. I especially like the micro-filter on the bag - other brands use simple holes that can effect humidity levels, but I had zero issues maintaining humidity with this one.
TrÚs bon kit malgré un changement de produits car le premier pain de fonctionné pas
il mio strain preferito
QualitĂ scarsa
Comprato 3 kit con l'offerta 2x1.
Vi garantisco che vi produce 1 lotto e basta, non fa altri cicli di crescita come dicono(fino a 3 volte).
Oltetutto, dei 3 che mi sono arrivati, solo uno ha dato i suoi frutti. Gli altri no.
Sono costretto a dare 1a stella.
Poor kit
Purchased a number of grow kits. This was the 1st kit that didnât show any results.
Plenty of shrooms grew, plenty of trip they made me do. They are very powerful.
Potent stuff
Great kit from the most trustworthy brand there is. Produced multiple flushes of healthy looking and potent fruit. Pinning tends to appear mostly on sides near the bag but that's probably due to conditions I'm able to maintain.
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