9.6 out of 10 based on 54411 reviews
9.6 out of 10 based on 54411 reviews
Planted two seeds, none germinated :(
From all the seeds I planted this was the only strain that didn't grow at all.
(My track record so far: Easy Bud Automatic 2/2, Sticky Beast Automatic 3/3, Cheese 2/3, Purple Haze 2/2, Pineapple Express F1 2/2)
I am a novice grower but the method that worked for five different strains (water bath, grow pellets, outdoor propagator), didn't work for these seeds. I do have one seed left, but I probably will try something else.
Shipment was fast and discrete and Advanced Seeds does have a nice packing for it's seeds, but that doesn't help if the seeds don't grow.
A voir…
Sur 4graine 2ont germe les deux autre non…
Critical x3
Les graines ont germées plantées direct dans le terreau dans le bon sens en 2-3 jours !
Bien !
critical feminized
Germination et pousse très rapide. J'attends la récolte pour juger.
Site très sérieux, envoi très rapide.
Super germination vraiment très rapide sa pousse vraiment bien.
J'attends de voir la fin pour vous donner un avis.
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