The Best Ways To Take Magic Truffles

Best Ways To Take Magic Truffles

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Magic truffles are packed with psilocybin and available in fresh and dried forms. Find out the top ways to take truffles, with step-by-step instructions and tips to ensure the best experience possible.

Much like cannabis, there's no definitive way to experience everything magic truffles have to offer. From tea to lemon tek, to straight up eating them, is there one method that's more effective than the others? Wonder no more as we delve into everything you need to know about the best ways to take magic truffles, aka philosopher's stones. Whether you're brand new to all things psilocybin or looking for some new techniques, you're in the right place.

Consuming magic truffles vs magic mushrooms

Consuming Magic Truffles VS Magic Mushrooms

While both contain psilocybin, magic mushrooms and truffles are not quite the same. However, they share similarities in how they are consumed. Both can be taken fresh or dried, which will impact the suggested dose thresholds substantially—but with the use of a dosage calculator, dialling in the perfect dose has never been easier. It's worth noting that fresh truffles contain more psilocybin per gram than fresh mushrooms. However, when dried, magic mushrooms can shed up to 90% of their weight. Conversely, truffles are only set to lose 30%. Once the dose has been decided on, you can then decide how you'd like to sample these psilocybin wonders.

Magic mushroom dosage calculatorCalculate

Does the consumption method change the tripping experience?

Does The Consumption Method Change The Tripping Experience?

When looking at how consumption method can potentially change the tripping experience, there are numerous factors to take into account. Some methods will result in a slower onset of effects, and the preparation you undertake beforehand will make a difference too. For example, eating too much food before consuming magic truffles will impact their efficacy. So eat light, and you'll open yourself up to all of the potential effects that magic mushrooms and truffles provide.

5 ways to consume magic truffles

So, what are some of the best methods of consuming magic truffles? The following will give you a breakdown of the various ways in which you can experience the effects of these psychedelic wonders.

Chewing and swallowing magic truffles

Chewing And Swallowing Magic Truffles

As expected, simply eating your magic truffles is a go-to for many psilocybin enthusiasts. Whether fresh or dried, many choose this method for its efficiency and ease. It isn't a race to swallow them as quickly as possible; chewing is essential here. By chewing up the truffles, the juices are released, and the psilocybin will begin to enter your bloodstream sublingually. It takes roughly 45 minutes for the truffles to take effect in earnest. However, it's no secret that magic truffles can have a bit of an acquired taste. As such, some users opt for a truffle grinder to mash up their stones a bit first. Again, the rule of thumb is to not eat too much beforehand, and to dial in your dose for the desired outcome.


Chewing and swallowing magic truffles couldn't be easier. As mentioned, you can take them fresh or dried, ground or whole; the choice is yours! If you don't have a truffle grinder to hand, you can always chop them finely and consume them that way. If the taste is a factor for you, you can also sweeten the deal with a little Nutella or peanut butter. However, many see eating magic truffles as a rite of passage for budding psychonauts, so you may want to embrace the whole experience, including the flavour.

Drinking magic truffle tea

Drinking Magic Truffle Tea

Another tried and true method of consuming magic truffles is making them into a magic brew. This is an easy way to enjoy your truffles, and the flavour is less bitter than just straight-up eating them. You can add your own twist by adding different flavours into your brew, such as honey, sugar, or ginger. There are many reasons psychonauts favour making a magic truffle tea over eating them, one being that it can potentially reduce the nausea associated with eating truffles. Indeed, it isn't the psilocybin that causes nauseous feelings; it's actually the indigestible chitin component of fungi.


Brewing truffle tea is a simple affair and only requires a few steps for success.

  1. Begin by finely chopping your dose of truffles into small pieces. Note that the smaller they are, the more surface area will be exposed, allowing for more psilocybin to be infused with the hot water.
  2. Boil some water and then allow it to cool for a few minutes.
  3. Add your chopped truffles into a tea infuser, place it in your cup, and pour the hot water over it.
  4. Allow the mixture to steep for 10–15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. Remove the tea infuser.
  6. Add any desired extras, such as honey and sugar, to taste and enjoy!

Taking magic truffle capsules

Taking Magic Truffle Capsules

Taking magic truffle capsules is a great way to experience what they offer. In fact, many who partake in regular microdosing of psilocybin do so using capsules. All it takes are a few items, such as a grinder, empty capsules, and a capsule machine, and you can create some capsules of your own. Capsules make for a convenient, easy, and discreet method of consumption. They can be tailored to any dose level, and you can even purchase vegetarian-friendly capsules for those looking to adhere to dietary requirements while using this method.


Here's how to prepare and use your magic truffle capsules.

  1. Begin by picking your dose, then finely mill your truffles with a grinder and work out the specific amount you'd like per capsule. This can be achieved with the help of a dosage calculator and a milligram scale.
  2. Next, place the short part of each capsule in the top section of the machine. Then, place the longer part of the capsule at the base of the machine. Many capsule machines have a capacity of 24, meaning you can make plenty in one session.
  3. With the capsules in position, pour your ground truffles into the base, and spread to ensure that each capsule has been filled.
  4. After filling, remove any outstanding ground truffle from the machine.
  5. Now, it's time to seal your capsules. Take the top part (with the short capsule tops) and press firmly onto the filled ones. This will create the perfect sealed capsules that are ready to use.

Eating magic truffle edibles

Eating Magic Truffle Edibles

As you might have gathered by this point, the flavour of magic truffles isn't exactly enjoyable. Characterised by their earthy and metallic taste, they aren't bred to win any culinary awards. As detailed above, you can push through the taste to chew and swallow them, grind them into a paste, or make them a little more palatable with some peanut butter or Nutella—but why stop there? Many look to add magic truffles to various foods to make for a much nicer flavour. Whether adding them to a microwave meal, takeaway pizza, or your own homemade magic truffle pesto, the options are vast.


The exact process of making truffle edibles varies depending on the recipe. However, as a general rule, you'll grind up your truffles into a fine powder and distribute it evenly throughout whatever you're going to consume. While you can add truffles to essentially any dish, just make sure not to expose your truffles to high temperatures, as this will degrade their potency. With this in mind, rather than cooking your truffles into a hot meal, consider sprinkling them on top at the end, or infusing them into products like chocolate bars for easy dosing.

Magic truffle lemon tek

Magic Truffle Lemon Tek

Harness the power of lemons to feel the effects of your truffles faster. All that's needed are your magic truffles, some lemons, and a little water, if needed. Trust us; this could become your go-to way of experiencing magic truffles as soon as you've given it a go. The process converts the psilocybin in truffles into psilocin (the compound that produces psychedelic effects) with the help of lemons, or other highly acidic substances. Many users report a significantly faster come-up with more powerful effects, complete with a better taste and reduced nausea. However, the body will process the psilocybin quicker this way, making for shorter-lasting effects. The same rules apply with creating a lemon tek as with other methods; ensure your dose is correct, and make sure you've not eaten too much before enjoying.


  1. Begin by grinding or chopping your truffles into as fine a powder as possible. Again, the larger the surface area, the better the conversion. When finished, place your powdered truffles into a cup.
  2. Juice 2–3 lemons and then pour over your truffle powder. Make sure you've covered it completely, then leave it to sit for 25 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes or so.
  3. You can finish by filtering the magic truffle/lemon concoction through filter paper or cheesecloth to remove any truffle remnants, but this can reduce potency if the conversion hasn't been successful.
  4. Finally, drink your magic truffle lemon tek like a shot. You can always add a little water to improve the taste and allow you to consume it more slowly if needed.

How to prevent a bad magic truffle trip

How To Prevent A Bad Magic Truffle Trip

While they're not as prolific or dramatic as TV shows, movies, or anti-drug media might have you believe, bad trip experiences can still happen, especially to the uninitiated or unprepared for what magic truffles offer. So, what can cause a bad trip? Here are just a few examples:

  • Changes in perception of time: The feeling of time undulating can cause immense discomfort in some users.
  • Paranoia: Feelings can quickly change when using magic truffles. It's possible to feel positive, then negative, and back again. Some may find this rapid change in emotion alarming.
  • Hallucinations: Visual and auditory hallucinations are par for the course with high doses of magic truffles. Someone who is not used to them might find the experience uncomfortable.

Of course, there are many ways to prevent a bad trip. Be sure that you are in a good frame of mind before undertaking, and don't allow anyone to force you to take magic truffles if you're not up for it. Also, if you're new to truffles, be mindful about dosing. You can always look to increase the dose next time. Sometimes, there will be a sober person present while others are tripping. Known as the “trip sitter”, this person will keep an eye on proceedings and will be there to calmly reassure those in need, should a bad trip arise.

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Embrace magic truffles aka philosopher's stones

Embrace Magic Truffles Aka Philosopher's Stones

There are many reasons to love magic truffles, and many ways to enjoy them. After all, it's thought that they have been used for well over 9,000 years. From rituals to social gatherings and even traditional holistic practices, magic truffles are still highly sought after to this very day. So, if we've piqued your interest, perhaps it's time you checked them out for yourself. Head over to Zamnesia's Shroomshop and sample some psilocybin delights.


Zamnesia's Shroomshop stocks a wide variety of magic truffles, mushroom growing kits, spore prints, and more.

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