Top 10 Netflix Shows To Watch When Stoned
Counting down the top 10 Netflix shows to watch when stoned, we have compiled some of the funniest, most disturbing, visual appealing and dramatically stunning television available to stream today. So grab a bong and a buddy and get ready to be immersed into the wide world of Netflix.
“Netflix and Chill” has become somewhat of a cringe-worthy phrase echoed on dating apps around the world. Luckily, stoners have co-opted this slogan to represent the unmatched sensation of a cannabis-laden binge-watching session. Now that streaming services have reinvented the TV wheel, viewers have greater access to the furthest recesses of creative content than ever before.
So, what are you waiting for? Pack a bowl, eat an edible, find your butane torch and gather some friends and food - it’s time for Netflix. The following represent the top 10 Netflix shows to watch when stoned - some psychedelic, others hilarious and campy, with some time-tested standards sprinkled in. This might go without saying, but the shows offered by Netflix differ per country. This doesn't mean you should skip shows that are not available via your nation's Netflix altogether. Streaming via other paid services is also an option, or you could go the nostalgic route and break out the DVD-box set. Manage however you wish, but definitely put these 10 TV gems on your watchlist!
Arrested Development has a plotline so stressful, you’ll be begging for a joint (or six) by the end of the first episode. If you ever feel like life is getting you down, you only need to put yourself in the shoes of Michael Bluth, and suddenly, everything feels better. The show does an excellent job of developing the characters as the seasons go on—so much so, you might even like most of them by the time you’ve finished every episode.
Netflix revived it back in 2013, then more recently in 2018, and we’re glad they did. Arrested Development deserves its revival, and it deserves to be watched alongside great friends, and even better weed.
If you had to imagine puberty as a living, breathing entity, what would come to mind? In the case of Big Mouth, that would be Maurice, the hormone monster who’s on hand to give guidance and wisdom at every turn. Of course, by “every turn” we mean every random boner, every sleepover, every awkward dream, and every bar mitzvah (yes—we said bar mitzvah).
The best part of Big Mouth is how it so eloquently captures the struggles that everyone goes through in the transition to adulthood. There will be at least one (if not several) occasions that you’ll be lost in a sativa-fuelled frenzy of laughter—all the while thinking about the time that very same thing happened to you.
If you’ve taken the time to invest in Making a Murderer, then American Vandal is a natural progression. It takes everything you love about true crime documentaries and parodies the entire concept. There are only two seasons of American Vandal on offer, but there are plenty of episodes to keep you entertained. While the first season focuses on “cars vandalized with phallic images”, the second season takes it up a notch.
Aptly titled “The Brownout”, a prank of momentous severity hits a private catholic school. We’ll preface this entire segment by saying that if you don’t find poop amusing, American Vandal won’t be your cup of tea. That being said, a few dabs will quickly make the fart jokes and poo-related humour of American Vandal a must-watch.
Salarymen are known for being overtly loyal and hardworking, but Kantaro breaks the mould by using his white-collar job as the ideal front for touring Tokyo’s sweet shops. In fact, Kantaro only works at a publishing house to satisfy his ultimate desire—every sweet treat Japan has to offer. The best part, however, is that you too can indulge in the same desserts Kantaro is lusting after.
Although the show is fictional, the locations featured are real! Each episode focuses on a different dessert, with the cafes, dessert shops, and restaurants all being real-life places in Tokyo. If you were looking for a good reason to visit the Japanese capital, delicious desserts are now one of them. Indulge that sweet tooth with a bag of marijuana gummies—and season one of Kantaro: The Sweet Tooth Salaryman.
#6 THAT ‘70s SHOW
There are a handful of shows that stand the test of time. Fortunately, That ‘70s Show is one of them. Originally airing in 1998, the 200-episode sitcom is just as funny as it was twenty years ago. Even if you don’t find the punch-lines to deliver the same comedic value, it is always interesting to see familiar (albeit markedly younger) faces.
The sub-twenty-minute episodes (minus intro and outro) are short enough to enjoy during a wake-and-bake session, but long enough to still be memorable. The characters are relatable, and the struggles of youth very much present today. That ‘70s Show should be a mainstay of any stoner’s entertainment arsenal.
Does this show need an introduction? Typically, opinions about Rick & Morty fall into one of two camps—you either get it, or you don’t. If you don’t, then there is a blunt being rolled right now that has your name on it. Watching a few episodes of Rick & Morty while high is like opening Pandora's Box. Suddenly, you understand every one of Rick’s motives, his harebrained schemes, and his warped sense of perspective.
If you already love watching cartoons while high, then screw it, you should have a blunt too! Rick & Morty is a bizarre trip into the minds of creators Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon. You may as well strap in for the ride with a hard-hitting indica.
Ask any self-respecting stoner about their “highest” experience, and the story usually starts the same way—with edibles. Not only do they taste fantastic (if you follow one of our recipes), but they are up to four times stronger than toking on a regular jay. Therein lies the double-edged nature of edibles. What they give with one hand, they can take away with the other, as too much of a good thing leaves weed-lovers in a state of euphoric paralysis.
If you are someone who believes in leaving edibles to the professionals, then Cooking On High is the show you need in your life. Masterful chefs, celebrity judges, and the dankest strains the industry has to offer make Cooking On High some of the finest cannabis-infused dining on Netflix. This lighthearted competition show both spoofs and indulges in the unmistakable entertainment of reality TV, focusing on unique strains and challenges with each episode.
On the cusp of getting cancelled, an outpouring of public support bought Brooklyn Nine-Nine back from the ashes. Not only should you be indebted to everyone who petitioned for its continuation, but you should buy each of them a joint. OK, maybe not everyone, but you should definitely roll some of your favourite herb and remind yourself why the show is so beloved.
Peralta gets away with everything, Charles is the side-kick we all need, and Gina, well—Gina is a different being altogether. One of the show’s crown jewels are the long-running jokes that occur from season to season. That—and the downright crazy cast—means binge-watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine is your only option.
British humour is in a league of its own. Not to say it’s superior to other types of humour, but it requires a level of dryness that is hard to master. For The IT Crowd, sarcasm and gags that walk the line between acceptable and downright deplorable are common occurrences. The cast is as quirky as they come, but ultimately harmless, which makes them even more likeable. Keep an eye out for several supporting characters. Although their screen time is limited, they deliver some classic one-liners. We won’t spoil what they are, but you’ll know them when they happen.
Pack a bowl, grab some snacks, and blaze your way through all five seasons—you won’t regret it.
What do trailer parks, weed, booze, run-ins with the law, a child holding a gun, and bull semen have in common? The Trailer Park Boys—duh! Depicting the hijinks of two ex-cons—Ricky and Julian—Trailer Park Boys is a satirical comedy that takes a jab at pretty much every stereotype going. The Netflix trailer of Ricky getting shot in the nuts should tell you everything you need to know, so expect plenty of slapstick humour.
The friendship between Ricky and Julian, despite starting on tenuous terms, develops into the bromance we all yearn for. Ricky and Julian are the perfect partners in crime as they try and take on everything the trailer park life can throw at them, including cultivating a ton of marijuana!
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