Stoner Movie Reviews: Pineapple Express
Are you looking for a stoner comedy that will not only have you laughing your ass off, but also has an interesting story line? Pineapple Express is a film best enjoyed while high.
Are you looking for a stoner comedy that will not only have you laughing your ass off, but also has an interesting story line? Pineapple Express is a film best enjoyed while high. Not to mention, it stars the Seth Rogen, one of the world's biggest potheads. In fact, Rogen is responsible for writing the film's screenplay, along with Evan Goldberg. Therefore, you already know you're in for a treat.
Not only will Pineapple Express have you laughing your ass off, but it also takes you on a weed-filled adventure. Alongside with Seth Rogen as Dale Denton, the film co-stars James Franco, who plays a goofy stoner named Saul Silver. When it comes to stoner buddies, these two are a match made in heaven. From the hilarious smoke scene involving a cross joint to getting lost in the woods, these two will keep you rolling the entire movie.
In general, things kick off when Dale meets up with Saul to purchase a rare and dank strain of weed called Pineapple Express. However, when Dale becomes the only witness to a murder involving a cop and a menacing drug lord, the venture begins. Both Dale and Saul spend the movie running away from the bad guys that are ready to kill the two of them.
Trust and believe; the adventure involves lots of obstacles that get these two into some humorous situations. With this in mind, you'll want to have plenty of weed handy if you choose to board the Pineapple Express. In fact, you can make the experience extra delightful by toking on the actual Pineapple Express strain. Likewise to the movie, the strain is equally exceptional.
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