How To Use Damiana To Increase Your Libido And Enhance Orgasms
Used for centuries as an aphrodisiac, Damiana is an effective supplement to boost libido. The plant demonstrates an ability to potentially boost sexual desire and intensify orgasms in men and women.
Aphrodisiacs are substances that boost libido and may potentially increase fertility. Many different substances have been deemed a part of this class, from herbs and fruits, to vegetables and animals parts. However, many of these claims are not backed up with scientific evidence.
Damiana, also known as Turnera diffusa, is one of the few exceptions. This amazing plant is native to subtropical climates, such as Central and South America, Mexico, Southern Texas and the Caribbean. Damiana belongs to the Passifloraceae family and is recognisable due to its beautiful, five-petaled yellow flowers.
Damiana may improve an individual's sex life in multiple ways. To start, there is evidence suggesting its ability to enhance female orgasms, especially when used alongside supplementary herbs. This is an area of massive interest for women who rarely climax or have yet to at all.
Additionally, research has indicated that damiana may act as a treatment for vaginal dryness, a symptom that may decrease sexual desire and thus, intercourse. A double-blind, placebo-controlled scientific study published within The Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy looked at the effect of various nutrients on vaginal dryness.
The study was open to women over the age of 21 who had an interest in boosting their sexual function. Out of a total of 77 women, 34 of them received a blend of nutritional supplements that included L-arginine, ginseng and damiana. After a 4 week period of ingesting the concoction, 73.5 percent of the group reported improved satisfaction within their overall sex life.
Damiana has also been potentiated in counteracting impotence. A study entitled “Stimulating property of Turnera diffuse and Pfaffia paniculata extracts on the sexual-behavior of male rats” published in the journal Psychopharmacology explored this possibility.
Fluid extracts of damiana and other herbs were administered to either sexually impotent or sexually sluggish male rats in different concentrations. It was found that the extracts boosted the copulatory performance of the rats and worked to counter their sexually sluggish and impotent traits. Empirically, this evidence suggests that damiana does indeed hold potential in combating impotence in human males.
Menopause is accompanied by various symptoms, including hot flashes, vaginal dryness and reduced sex libido. Symptoms often occur before menopause truly sets in, during a period called perimenopause. Decreased sexual drive and activity in women experiencing menopause and perimenopause can be revamped in the presence of damiana. Furthermore, because damiana does not display oestrogen activity, it may be used as an alternative to hormone therapy regarding sexual issues.
A study on “The enhancement of female sexual function with ArginMax, a nutritional supplement, among women differing in menopausal status,” published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy administered a supplement that included damiana to a total of 108 women between the ages of 22 and 73. The women in this study belonged to three differing menopausal statuses: premenopausal, perimenopausal and postmenopausal. All women within the group reported a lack of sexual desire.
After a period of 4 weeks taking the supplement, premenopausal women within the group reported enhancements in sexual desire, satisfaction with their sex lives, frequency of sexual desire and frequency of sexual intercourse. Perimenopausal women within the group reported more frequent sex, improvements in vaginal dryness and also greater satisfaction with their sexual relationships. Finally, postmenopausal women within the group reported the largest gain in sexual desire.
Other notable functions of damiana in regard to sexual health include its ability to improve sexual performance. As an herbal ally to those engaged in sexual activity, damiana may relieve some of these physical symptoms and rekindle some sexual sparks.
Viagra is a prescription drug used to treat erectile dysfunction and impotence in males. It achieves this result by increasing blood flow to the penis to help men achieve and sustain erections.
Research published within the Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences determined that damiana is even more effective than Viagra, and does not contain such adverse side effects. Damiana was shown to relax the arteries of the penis by a much larger degree than Viagra. This action allows for increased blood flow to the site and greater ability to achieve an erection.
Damiana can be an exciting supplement for women, as it appears to be capable of enhancing the intensity of female orgasms. In the aforementioned study regarding vaginal dryness, researchers also determined that the supplement containing damiana elevated the frequency of sexual intercourse and orgasm, along with intensifying clitoral sensation.
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