Exploring Psilocybe Tampanensis: The Original Truffle
Of the many magic mushrooms out there, Psilocybe tampanensis holds a special place: Truffles were first discovered in this strain.
Psilocybe tampanensis is a rare mushroom belonging to the Strophariaceae family of fungus. Of course, when we say rare, we mean in terms of wild growth. Today, Psilocybe tampanensis is widely cultivated for one particular reason: Its truffles. Not all magic mushroom varieties produce sclerotia, and Psilocybe tampanensis was the first strain discovered to produce our beloved philosopher’s stones.
The Effects of Psilocybe Tampanensis
It is a strain that is well known for its medium potency and highly enjoyable effects. It makes for a good solid experience, without going overboard. Psilocybe tampanensis has a solid, medium strength when it comes to psilocybin (the main psychoactive component of mushrooms), making them much more accessible, especially for those who are not interested in a diehard, expert level of strength - so much so that it has become one of the most confiscated psychoactive mushrooms confiscated in Germany.
Depending on the dose, Psilocybe tampanensis can have an array of effects. It depends largely on how much psilocybin was ingested. At a recommended dose, Psilocybe tampanensis cause a change in both vision and sound perception, vivid close eye visions, a feeling of connectivity and oneness, as well as potential spells of giggles. Psilocybe tampanensis mainly affects the mind, changing the way you think about life and how your consciousness perceives them.
You can get your hands on Psilocybe tampanensis from the Zamnesia Shroomshop!
The History
Although it’s likely to have been knocking around for quite a while, Psilocybe tampanensis wasn’t actually discovered until 1977, in Tampa, Florida. Although this is the strain’s namesake, it hasn’t been found growing in the wild of Tampa since its discovery, although it has been found growing in other locations, such as Mississippi. The original specimen from Florida was cloned, and its descendants are largely responsible for the ease with which Psilocybe tampanensis can now be obtained today.
The Botany
If you ever see one growing yourself, you will find that Psilocybe tampanensis tends to grow 2-6 cm in height, and it produces a cap that starts off convex, but slowly flattens with age. It is a smooth variety of magic mushroom, and is often a light brown in colour. The actual flesh of the mushroom is usually a whitish yellow, and goes blue when bruised. Its fresh taste is usually described as being similar to freshly ground flour.
The Chemistry
There are two main groups of active chemicals within Psilocybe tampanensis. These are psilocybin/psilocin and beaocystin/norbaeocystin.
Psilocybin & Psilocin
Psilocybin and psilocin are two very similar alkaloids known as tryptamines, in fact, psilocybin is the precursor to psilocin. Although both can be found within Psilocybe tampanensis, the body turns psilocybin into psilocin within the body by removing a phosphate group from it.
Beaocystin & Norbaeocystin
Also belonging to the tryptamines class of alkaloids, both beaocystin and norbaeocystin are weak hallucinogens. They are only found in fungi, often in ones that also contain psilocybin and psilocin.
Now you know all about Psilocybe tampanensis! You can find out more information on magic mushrooms and truffles over at our Shroomshop, here on the Zamnesia website.