What Is The Difference Between A Vape-High And A Smoke-High?
Nowadays, even though smoking is the classic way to go, vaping is becoming increasingly popular. With that, the differences between the two methods have been widely discussed among users. The highs they offer are mostly similar, but there are key distinctions. Read on to learn all about the differences in the potency, clarity and onset of the high.
Just as we have our favorite cannabis strains, we all have a favorite way of consuming them. Nowadays, besides lighting up joints and bowls, we can enjoy vapes, edibles, and even lotions. By far however, smoking and vaping are the most popular methods.
While one might think there’s not much difference between smoking and vaping weed, the experiences are distinctly different. This becomes especially apparent when when we think about how the actual high feels. With that in mind, let’s discuss the nuanced differences between vaping and smoking cannabis, and compare the highs they offer in turn.
The Difference Between Smoking and Vaping
Before delving into the differences between a vape high and a smoke high, let’s explain some of the other differences between the two methods.
Opinions vary on whether one is ‘healthier’ than the other. This has nothing to do with weed itself, but the process of combustion involved with lighting up. Considering that vapes heat cannabis with far less intensity than a lighter flame, vaping is notably softer on your throat and lungs. This is also because no tobacco is needed for vaping, while it's often added to a joint.
Along with that, while it can still happen, you’re less likely to end up with a dry mouth from vaping. Also, the odor tends to be much less pungent, which is convenient when you need to hide the fact you're smoking. That might be a loss, however, for those who prefer to bask in the aroma.
Vape High vs. Smoke High
In both cases, you can be sure you'll enjoy a nice hit of THC. In turn, the highs aren't that different from one another in the grand scheme of things. However, those who've tried both will often tell you there's a difference in the two experiences.
Part of it can be chalked up to the smoker/vaper's personal perception. However, as we'll explain, certain chemicals come into play in both cases that distinguish the sensations. Which high is "better", however, is completely up to your personal taste.
Potency of the High
The entourage effect is very much a theory, but studies[1] have been increasingly showing there's something there. In short, this is the idea that all the cannabinoids and terpenes work with each other to enhance each other's effects.
While the effect is often tested in medical contexts, it's even become evident when comparing the highs. In this 2018 study, for instance, when infrequent users were given the same amount of THC, those vaping it often experienced a more intense high than those smoking it. Confirming this wasn't just the placebo effect, the researchers noted that the vapers had more THC in their blood than the smokers.
Now, that doesn't confirm anything, as larger studies need to be done, but it makes sense if you consider the entourage effect. See, when you light cannabis with fire, many of the cannabinoids and terpenes burn off before you can enjoy them. When you vape, however, they all get decarboxylated without being burnt off, allowing you to enjoy the full spectrum offered by your bud or concentrate.
Clarity of the High
Many users also report the high from a vape feeling cleaner than that from a bong, blunt, joint, etc. While more studies are required to say anything for certain, the idea is supported by our knowledge of what happens to cannabis at overly high temperatures.
See, beyond 200ºC (392ºF), cannabis begins to release certain toxins like carbon dioxide and carcinogenic smoke. While these are known to contribute to the drowsiness, laziness and disoriented feelings of a smoke-high, they're also a health hazard. While it'd be nice to turn the temperature down on a joint, only vaporizers offer the option to adjust the heat. Along with not having to deal with smoke, you can burn at different temperatures to unlock the effects of other cannabinoids and terpenes you wouldn't have noticed before.
Duration of the High
When considering the "duration" of a high, you want to think about how swiftly the high hits, and how long it lasts. With the aforementioned adjustable heat settings, vaping allows you to have more control over the potency of your hits. This means the high could be shorter compared to the high from smoking a joint. Additionally, the high is noted to set on quicker to compensate. You can stay baked for a while with a vape; you just need to take hits every couple of hours. If you want to get that slow-setting but long-lasting effect, though, smoking is the way to go.
Conclusion on the Differences Between Vape and Smoke Highs
With that, we hope you have a clearer idea of how it feels to vape cannabis vs. lighting it up. They'll both get you high, and you'll be able to keep the good times going regardless. However, if you're out and about, and need to stay a little sharper, vaping may be the way to go. If you're just kicking back at night and zoning out, though, smoking is fine in moderation. Overall, it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot, especially if you're a regular smoker already. Even if you're new to it, you can get a more mild strain and work from there.
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