10 Best Things To Do On Magic Mushrooms
While lots of things can be fun or entertaining under the influence of shrooms, this list is designed to give a few suggestions of activities you could do the next time you enter the psychedelic realm!
When enjoying a psychedelic experience, often just being is more than enough. Sometimes it can even be quite overwhelming. Magic mushrooms tend to amplify and enhance most experiences, which means that engaging with pretty much anything can be entertaining and truly wonderful, no matter what it is.
In this article, we list 10 things you can do while tripping on psilocybin mushrooms. This list is by no means exhaustive, and some of the options may, or may not, appeal to you. Still, it can help to have a little inspiration.
The power of magic mushrooms
When dried, magic mushrooms predominantly contain the prodrug psilocybin. This is converted by acid (most often stomach acid) into psilocin, which is the drug that actually causes the psychedelic effects associated with these fungi. Psilocin is a serotonergic compound that acts on the serotonin 5-HT2A receptors. Through this mechanism, it causes its famously trippy and psychedelic high, including visual, auditory, mental, physical, and gustatory effects.
Zamnesia's Shroomshop stocks a wide variety of magic truffles, mushroom growing kits, spore prints, and more.
For those experienced with these drugs, knowing how to prepare becomes second nature, but for beginners, some tips and tricks can be helpful to get you started. We’ve got plenty of information across our blog to help you with trip preparation, but below, take a look at some potential activities you could do once you’re tripping.
The 10 best things to do on magic mushrooms
Remember, this list is just for fun and to offer some inspiration. The best thing you can do on shrooms is whatever you feel like at the time! Give yourself the space to just be, and you can’t go wrong!
Go on a nature walk
Perhaps the most enjoyable way to spend any trip is to wander around the forest or hills. This is especially true on warmer days, but a rainy day can be just as fun, so long as you’re prepared. Trees twist and colours shimmer in ways you won’t expect, and the mind can enter a place of calm that is, for most of us, usually out of reach. If there’s something we’d truly advise you to do while tripping, it's to go outside into nature.
Listen to music
Music sounds incredible while high. You’ll often find lists suggesting you listen to “trippy” music, though this is by no means compulsory. Of course, more ambient sorts of music do lend themselves to the psychedelic experience, but the best music is the music you already know and love. Choose music that you find beautiful when sober, and prepare to hear it in a whole new light!
Though not everyone will enjoy this, live music and dancing can also feel incredible when tripping. This is more advised for people with a little experience with these drugs, as these settings can be quite intense, especially for novices. But the volume and presence of music in these settings can also be quite immersive and revelatory for those who are up for it.
Make art
Tripping will take you back to a childlike state, and in this state, playing with colours can be great fun. Let go of your inhibitions and your pretensions and indulge in the pure joy of creating.
It’s quite likely that once you sober up, the masterpiece you created earlier will seem naive—but that’s fine! It’s the joy of the activity in which the value’s found.
Play video games
Arguably, playing video games can be a bit of a misuse of time when tripping—there’s a whole world out there to experience!
However, if you’re with friends and want to relax a little, lighthearted multiplayer games can be a highly enjoyable way to come back to reality. If you try gaming mid-trip, you might find yourself hilariously unable to manage the necessary dexterity to use a controller—but getting trapped on a dashboard can be entertaining in its own right.
Meditating can come quite naturally when tripping. All you really have to do is close your eyes, give yourself a little time, and you’ll find that your mind probably empties of its own accord. Meditating, or simply sitting and being, can be an incredible experience on shrooms. This is because it can reveal to us, in our busy and distracted lives, a stillness and awareness unknown to most of us.
Watch a movie
Watching a movie can be an enjoyable way to come down from shrooms. Once the trip starts to wear off, it’s common to feel tired, and it can be pleasant to settle into something a little more passive as the mind’s capacity to attend to the world tends to be a little exhausted by this point.
Choose a friendly film that isn’t too fast-paced, but is rather a pleasant space to inhabit. Comedies can be a good idea. Whatever you choose, ensure it’s not too emotional or intellectually challenging.
Drink some tea
Something as simple as a cup of herbal tea can be a real pleasure when tripping. The warmth and complexity of the flavour will reveal themselves in hitherto unknown ways, and a cup of tea can be a universe unto itself.
But stay away from caffeinated drinks, as the stimulant effects of caffeine can reduce the trippy effects of shrooms and increase the chances of negative effects, such as anxiety.
Lie down on the ground
Lie on the ground, feel your weight going down into the earth, and allow yourself to drift with your thoughts. In this state, time can seem to dissolve, and you may even experience something like an ego death or out-of-body experience, depending on the dose you’ve taken.
Stargaze/watch clouds
The sky looks magnificent when tripping. A starry night, a cloudy sky, or even a clear blue sky all suddenly seem so vast—as they truly are. If gazing at stars, try looking at the space between the stars rather than the stars themselves, and you might suddenly realise how large and empty the universe actually is.
A clear sky, which usually appears as a flat blue space up there, suddenly takes on a three-dimensional quality and has extraordinary depth, while a cloudy sky churns and looks moodily down upon the earth.
TLDR: look up!
Perhaps let your thoughts out onto paper. At first, it can seem challenging, but if you stick with it and don’t judge what comes out, you may be able to find some flow—it could end up being quite a therapeutic exercise! In this way, you can discover things about yourself that you didn’t know before, and you might be able to work through problems you’ve been stuck with for a long time.
Plan your next trip with Zamnesia
Tripping is wild, and almost anything can be entertaining during the experience. A top tip for a good trip is to prepare well, make the space comfortable, and calm your mind. In the modern world, a good way to do this is to avoid looking at a screen before you get high—as these tend to set the mind racing.
And once tripping, don’t worry too much about what to do, as the tripping is an activity in itself. Have trust in yourself to know how to enjoy the experience, and you’ll be sure to find even the simplest of things extremely profound!
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