Hawaiian Baby Woodrose


Hawaiian baby woodrose (Argyreia nervosa) is a perennial climbing vine with large heart-shaped leaves and white trumpet-shaped flowers. Originally native to India, it now grows around the world, including Hawaii. Its large furry seeds grow in seedpods and contain the psychedelic LSA.

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A pack of Hawaiian baby woodrose contains 10 seeds.


The active ingredients in Hawaiian baby woodrose are D-lysergic Acid Amide (LSA) and related compounds.

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Reviews (446)

    Starke halluszinationen in höheren doses auch leichter kopf trip

    L. K.

    remove as much of the peel as possible, grind into small pieces and soak in water overnight. drink the water and after about half an hour do not suppress any possible vomiting but accept it as a purifying experience.

    N. O.

    very good
    Strong and smooth

    T. L.

    100% germination rate!!!
    I've had 100% germination with these seeds. Seedlings pumped fast and strong. I had been prepared to keep the young ones in humidity domes for a while, but they seemed quite content with the average temp and humidity in my living room and haven't demanded nearly as much attention as previous examples I've grown with seeds fron other sources. These ones are also massively superior to the Madagascar variety sold on here, I couldn't get a single one of those to sprout, and wasted them all determinedly trying, when I should have just kept them for consumption.

    B. W.

    Sehr wirksam, aaaber...
    leider haben mir die Nebenwirkungen einen Strich durch "den Film" gemacht. Ich habe eine Packung Holzrose mit einer Packung Prunkwinde gemahlen und gekapselt (24 Stück). Nach 2x 6 Kapseln (im Abstand von einer Stunde) kam die klassische Gähn-Attacke, Triefnase & tränende Augen, etwas später wechselte es dann zu Magenbrennen, Erbrechen, permanentem Harndrang und Durchfall-Gefühl, was es einem unmöglich macht den Trip zu geniessen.

    E. R.

    Bel effet je les ai pris avec de la purée d'amande zéro amertume.

    F. K.

    Nul, aucun effet
    Je n'ai eu aucun effet avec ce produit, passez votre chemin.

    A. D.

    En prenant 10 graines en extraction a froid (24h), je m attendais a quelque chose de beaucoup plus fort. Surtout quand je compare avec 10 grammes de morning glory. Sinon ventre vide, de l ail dans le processus d extraction, résultat pas de nausées, mais l effet soft.

    N. M.

    Provati con il metodo del video zamnesia, pestati in un mortaio, aggiunto succo di limone e tenuto in bocca per mezz'ora poi sputato per evitare la nausea e il vomito e devo dire che già a tenere tutto in bocca per mezz'ora dava l'idea di provocare una forte nausea. Ne ho pestati 4 e come inizio ci sta, niente di esagerato, ma penso che a dosi elevate come 10/15 possano dare interessanti esperienze

    D. B.

    assez impressionné
    Au depart, j'avais ecris un avis negatif mais je reviens sur ce que j'ai mis. J'en avais pris 1, puis 2, puis 4, rien. Déçu. Et puis ce weekend j'en ai pris 7.... 40 minutes apres, les meubles ont glissés dans la pieces et mon esprit se deplacait tres rapidement a chaque seconde d'un endroit a l'autre. Je ne connaissais pas cet effet. Assez impressionné. découverte particulière pas forcement agréable quoique.^^ pour les soirées ou la musique frappera fort! Par contre ca a duré 8 heures, faut gérer. Gerer respiration et environnement neutre/positif. pas prévoir de déplacements. j'ai failli mettre 4 etoiles car il m'en faut au moins 7 pour cécoller donc que pour une soiree par paquet mais bonne découverte.

    J. V.
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Questions (3)
B. 2014-07-20 16:33:17

Wie lange sind diese Samen haltbar?


The Hawaiian Baby Woodrose can be stored at least 2 years after purchase

T. 2014-05-14 15:02:51

How much seeds are in the packet?


A pack of Hawaiian Baby Woodrose contains 10 seeds.

L. 2013-08-03 11:04:15

Can i plant this seeds?


The intended purpose of this product is not for it to be grown. There is a chance that it may germinate, but we cannot guarantee it.

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Hawaiian Baby Woodrose
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose
All products are intended for legal purposes only and are not for consumption or illegal use. Cannabis seeds are sold as souvenirs, and germination is illegal in many countries—please be informed before purchasing. By purchasing, you confirm that you have reached the age of majority and are aware of your local laws. Zamnesia is not liable for any actions taken in violation of these laws. All cannabis, hemp, mushroom-related, and other products are sold in strict compliance with applicable local regulations.
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