Yerba Mate Traditional - Canarias
Canarias is Uruguay's pride and enjoy. Though actually grown and produced in Brazil, Canarias goes hand in hand with Uruguayan mate tradition. Given its unique texture and processing, Canarias features a smooth, smoky, long-lasting flavour.
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Canarias - Yerba Mate Traditional: Uruguay's Pride and Joy
Uruguay is one of the epicentres of mate culture. And there's a reason why Uruguayans prefer Canarias Yerba Mate over other brands—this loose leaf yerba mate tea features a unique, ultra-fine texture and is produced using only the leaves from the yerba mate plant (Ilex paraguariensis). This results in a completely different flavour that many find smoother and longer-lasting than that of Argentine yerba mate, which is traditionally made using both the leaves and stems of the mate plant. Order today to try this delicious Uruguayan tradition for yourself.
Intended use | Increase energy |
Caffeine | Caffeinated |
Type | Loose-leaf tea |
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Macht lange wach
Très bon goût
Un gout horrible
Je ne sais pas si c'est une question de lot mais le gout est affreux. L'impression de boire une infusion au foin. Direction la poubelle pour ma part
Ottimo prodotto, yerba mate' scoperta favolosa e salutare
SUPER parfumé
un régal
Maté traditionnel.
Très sympa, je recommande à ceux qui veulent arrêter le café, ça donne la pêche et c'est bon.
Erba mate uruguasha
LA mia erba mate preferita, tritata finissima in polvere, io la mescolo a foglie di menta piperita..
angenehmer, milder Geschmack
Geschmacklich ist dieser Matetee mild und recht neutral. Das rauchige kann ich nicht bestätigen. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Mates ist dieser sehr fein gemahlen und benötigt ein feinmaschiges Teesieb. Für Bombillas vielleicht nicht ideal.
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