Lighter Clipper German
You just can't beat a classic—and that couldn't be truer when it comes to the Clipper lighter. While many have tried to imitate, nothing comes close to the dependable flame these lighters provide. Perfect for a smoke on the go or just keeping on standby at home, the applications are truly endless, and reliability is second to none, making them the perfect accessory in a smoker's arsenal.
Buy 3 units | 5% Discount |
Buy 5 units | 10% Discount |
Buy 10 units | 15% Discount |
Please note: All clippers are sold individually. Designs are selected randomly, but if you order multiple, our warehouse will try its best to make a varied selection.
Type | Clipper |
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Top produkt
Alles am laufen bei den Feuerzeugen
Für jede Sammmung unverzichtbar!
Schöne Designs
Ich sammel Feuerzeuge. Endlich mal neue Motive
Wie immer, Clipper
Würde ich immer wieder kaufen. Muss ich aber eigentlich nicht, dank Nachfüllen (höchstens, um wirklich ALLE Jackentaschen damit zu bestücken ;) )
Very good product.
Wie gewohnt top Clipper Feuerzeuge mit coolen Designs
Top clippers, maar na een feestje; clipper los
Gutes Feuerzeug
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