Apollo's Appetizer
Apollo's Appetizer is a truly divine energy booster. The combination of powerful stimulants energises your body and keeps your mind focussed and alert. A great energy booster for studying, work, or if you simply feel like partying all night long!
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Zamnesia - Apollo's Appetizer: Godly Energy Booster
Apollo is one of the most important gods in Greek mythology. The son of Zeus isn’t just the God of the Sun and the Light, he is also responsible for music, art, hunting, and knowledge—and those are just some of his divine duties. With his full-time job as the “God of Many Things”, one really has to wonder how he is getting it all done while looking sharp and super-athletic at the same time!
We wouldn’t be surprised if Apollo himself would take a liking to our Apollo’s Appetizer energy boosting caps. They are super-strong and the perfect pick-me-up if you need a boost for studying or work. Heading out to the clubs later? This will keep you going all night long!
Apollo’s Appetizer contains a blend of powerful stimulants, including caffeine anhydrous and bitter orange, a natural herbal stimulant. Just take a capsule and say bye-bye to drowsiness and hello to a godly boost of energy that would make the Greek deities proud. But Apollo’s Appetizer doesn’t just keep your mind awake and alert. In addition to the aforementioned ingredients, Apollo’s Appetizer also contains L-tyrosine, which is an amino acid that improves memory, as well as several beneficial vitamins.
Take 1–2 capsules with a glass of water 45 minutes prior to the desired effect.
1 capsule contains: Caffeine anhydrous 200mg, Citrus Aurantium 50mg, L-Tyrosine 250mg, Vitamin B12 cyanocobalamin powder 0.10mg, Vitamin B3 32mg, Vitamin B6 6mg.
Each bag of Apollo’s Appetizer contains 4 energiser caps.
Type | Capsules |
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Leistung in Ordnung
Es bringt tatsächlich Effekt. War angeschlagen und hatte Fußballspiel es hat mir geholfen für einige Stunden wach und kräftig sein. Zu probieren definitiv Wert
Nicht gut vertragen
Ich war den Tag komplett müde auf Arbeit musste aber auch abends noch fit sein, für eine Party... habe gegen 11 uhr (nach dem essen) 1 Kapsel genommen und anderdhalb Std. später absolut keine Wirkung gespürt.
Le migliori capsule!
Io ne prendo sempre due per volta perché danno una carica ancora maggiore ma sono veramente un buon prodotto!
Gibt Durchhaltevermögen
Zwei Kapseln (65 kg/sportlich) haben mir wirklich sehr viel Durchhaltevermögen gegeben! Nach 6 Stunden harter körperlicher Arbeit war ich noch immer wach und voller Energie!
Fanno il loro
Non aspettatevi effetti riconducibili ad altre sostanze, sicuramente mantengono la mente attiva e caricano il copro, provato con 1 e poi dopo qualche giorno con 2, la seconda volta molto più deciso l'effetto, scarica non indifferente di energia, ottimo pre workout o per vivacizzarsi un po' in una sera tra amici non troppo pazza
Sehr empfehlenswert
Ähnlich wie bei RC's, die gut wirken, übertrifft nichts den ersten use!!!
entweder 2 davon oder eine happy caps deiner wahl + eine von diesen!
Begint bij mij na een half uurtje te werken. Kan er vanaf dan toch een drietal uurtjes goed invliegen. Zal deze capsules zeker nog gebruiken
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