Wild Dagga | Leonotis leonurus
Wild Dagga is another member of the vast catalogue of psychoactive herbs found on earth. The African plant is reported to have a similar high to that of cannabis, yet much less potent. The dried herb can be smoked or used to make decoctions.
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Wild Dagga: A Mild Psychoactive Herb
There appears to be an innate behaviour in humans to seek out and ingest consciousness-altering plants, and we happen to have access to an astonishing array of them—one of which is wild dagga.
Known by its scientific name Leonotis leonurus, wild dagga is a plant native to Southern Africa that has been compared to cannabis due to the effects it produces when smoked.
Wild dagga is found in abundance in its native habitat of damp grasslands. Specimens can grow up to 2m vertically and around 1m in width. The plant has been recognised for its attractive aesthetics, and is sometimes found fulfilling the role of an ornamental plant, boasting bright orange blossoms and a spiky crown.
Type | Loose-leaf tea |
Weight | 5 gr |
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Relax ma non troppo
Un po' più potente di una tisana rilassante e molto piacevole. Personalmente preferisco i fiori più "dolci" rispetto allo stretch
Leicht Chillig
Leichte Wirkung aber entspannend!
Very good
Not more to say, it works really great.
Taste is nice
Buon sapore
I mix it will cannabis and as tea, good stuff definitely buy again.. thanks Zamnesia team customer service is awesome.
Ik rook dit als "wiet" en ik word er mild stoned van. Het afstamt ietwat van wiet namelijk. Fijn voor mij althans ik geen wiet meer rook i.v.m. hyperventilatie. Aan te raden voor wie hetzelfde probleem hebben.
Werkt goed
Beste ROA is voor mij in een wietpijp en zo telkens 3 a 5 dikke hijsen doen. Kan wat scherp in de keel zijn maar zolang mogelijk inhouden werkt het beste. Smaakt ook wel precies als een (zeer) lichte wiet als je het zo gebruikt.
the best product to replace marijuana
Nice to make tea with
I made tea with about 1.5g and the effects was very nice, relaxing and calming. Good!
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