Kanna 5 grams


Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum), also known as Channa or Kougoed, is a plant commonly found in South Africa. Indigenous tribes have been using Kanna for its mood-enhancing and relaxing properties for thousands of years. Now, it has gained popularity in the West.

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Zamnesia - Kanna: Powerful Mood-Enhancer

Kanna has been used for millennia as an entheogen and inebriant for sacred rituals. Now, Kanna is becoming increasingly popular in the West.


The traditional way to take Kanna is by chewing or snorting the dried and/or fermented roots and leaves of the plant. You can also prepare a tea from the dried plant parts. Although fermenting your Kanna is not necessary, fermentation will greatly help to max-out the effect.


Crush the plant material and place it in a sealed and sterile container. As fermentation sets in, you can observe the material’s colour change to a darker green and brown shade. Make sure you open the container once every day to air the mixture out. Leave the mixture to ferment for about 7–8 days. After the fermentation process, you need to dry your Kanna.


Put your fermented plant material into a shallow container and spread it out evenly. The best way to dry your Kanna is outdoors in a spot with direct sunlight. It’s ready when it feels dry to the touch, which can take up to 5 days. Alternatively, you can also dry your material at low heat (80°C) in the oven.

If you plan to chew your Kanna or use them to brew a Kanna tea, they are now ready. If you want to make a powder for snorting, you can use a pestle and mortar or grinder to render your dried kanna into a fine powder.


You can choose to chew your fermented Kanna throughout the day. A medium dosage of chewable Kanna is 200–400mg. When you chew the Kanna, the effect will last for about 2–3 hours.


Grind up your plant material as fine as possible if you want to snort Kanna. A medium dose is about 100mg. When you snort Kanna, you will feel the effect instantly, with a peak after 20–60 minutes. Know that snorting Kanna is not for everyone.


Making Kanna tea is the best method if you want to take advantage of all the relaxing properties of Kanna. The other methods like snorting will provide more of an energetic rush, but fewer of its relaxing properties.

To make a Kanna tea, steep your dried kanna in hot (but not boiling) water. Allow them to infuse for several minutes. A medium dose for Kanna tea is about 400–600mg. The effects will set in after an hour and will last for several hours.

Note: If you’re still new to Kanna, start with a small dosage and adjust according to your preferences.

Kanna 5 grams data sheet
Type Loose-leaf tea

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Reviews (68)

    I'll buy once again
    I'll try once more because I didn't notice any results, maybe I made some mistake while taking this herb. Not so good in taste.

    M. B.

    Not good
    I've tried many plain kanna, this is not a good one. Extremely low alkaloid content.

    S. D.

    Geht so...
    Ich hab das erste mal Kanna probiert! Es sind ganze Pflanzenteile, die in einem Zip-Beutel aus Aluminium ankommen. Geraucht habe ich es in der Bong, hat geschmeckt wie es bei einem Waldbrand riecht, ziemlich unschön. Eine Wirkung habe ich dabei nicht gespürt. Eben habe ich mir 2g-4g (geschätzt) in den Mund geschüttet und "Kaue" darauf. Schmeckt leider bitter, habe mir da mehr erhofft. Einen Tee habe ich mir noch nicht gebrüht, werde es aber jetzt gleich mal testen! Ich hoffe es wirkt beim Tee, ich hab mir 20g davon bestellt... Das nöchste mal probier ich mal Kanna UB40, darüber habe ich hauptsächlich gutes gelesen!

    K. B.


    A. J.

    it tastes good
    I don't know why but i have to say i cannot feel effect, but it tastes very good smoked and vaporized

    O. V.

    Produit et efficace et économique, ne pas oublier de bien broyer pour la consommation en sniff.

    L. R.

    Un poco complicado de usar
    Tal y como viene no es muy efectivo, se supone que tienes que fermentarllo para que funcione mejor, igual la próxima vez pruebo con la fermentación a ver si tiene más efecto.

    J. P.

    Provata in tutti i modi non mi ha mai fatto nulla. Un giorno l’ho usata come trinciato in una canna ed è stato fantastico. Zero ansia, zero tachicardia e lievi lievi distorsioni visive. Magari è placebo, chi lo sa, ma mi è stato davvero bello

    M. M.

    esta bien

    A. D.

    Nice for tea
    Good for a stressful day when you need to numb your senses a bit and flow some relaxation and peace

    O. S.
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Video (1)
  • Video: How To Use: Kanna
    How To Use: Kanna

    Next in our How To Use series is kanna. We cover all the need to know facts about this herb, including a bit of its history, what it can be used for, and most importantly, how to use it!

    So if you want to find out the lowdown on Kanna, be sure to watch this video!

Kanna 5 grams
Kanna 5 grams
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