San Pedro (Echinopsis pachanoi) 'Monstrose'
Echinopsis pachanoi var. Monstrose is a rare mutant variety of the San Pedro Cactus. Each one is growing in different and unpredictable patterns so that every cactus is entirely unique. This interesting variety of the Echinopsis pachanoi makes a fantastic addition to the collection of every cactus aficionado!
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San Pedro (Echinopsis pachanoi) Monstrose: San Pedro Mutant Variety
Echinopsis pachanoi Monstrose is a very rare and interesting mutant variety of the San Pedro Cactus. The “monstrose” part in the name however does not refer to the cactus’ size, but rather designates this species' abnormal, “monstrous” growth. This cactus will grow uneven ribs in a curiously shaped pattern that is always new and unpredictable. No cactus will look like the other!
Compared to the ordinary variety of the San Pedro cactus (Echinopsis pachanoi), the “Monstrose” contains the same exact amount of active compounds. When you grow this variety, the height will also be about the same.
When compared to some other holy cacti, the echinopsis pachanoi including the Monstrose variety is very easy to grow. Coming from the altitudes of the mountain ranges of the Andes, echinopsis pachanoi can tolerate cold temperatures quite well. This cactus grows best if you keep it out of direct sunlight, so finding a shaded spot in your garden out of direct sun can be optimal.
Make sure that you plant the cactus in fertile, free-draining soil. Standard cactus soil that you can get from any well-sorted garden centre will do well for this variety. Once the cactus has grown its roots, it will require very little water. Make sure you don’t overwater since echinopsis pachanoi is somewhat susceptible to fungal diseases although this variety is not as sensitive to fungus as some other cacti.
Each cutting is 25-30cm long.
Cactus | San Pedro |
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Super schönen Steckling erhalten
Wirklich jedes ein Unikat. Ich habe einen super schönen Steckling erhalten. Er ist mittlerweile fest angewachsen und im Winterschlaf :) gedacht war er als Geburtstagsgeschenk für einen Freund, aber er gefiel mir so gut und er sieht auch total anders aus als den denn ich schon hatte, der bleibt bei mir :)
Il pousse bien depuis plus d'un an.
Agin another super healthy cactus from Zamnisa .wonderful care has been taken in the cultivation off these sacred cactus you can 100% feel safe with these products I have ordered a few cactus from here now and most of the time they come slightly bigger than stated
Superbe, autant par son aspect que par sa taille(30cm de haut et 5cm de large) cactus très originalet très graphique avec une multitude de bosses et de sillons, merci pour cette merveille qui rejoint ma collection
Super Qualität des Kaktus, aber nicht anders zu erwarten von Zamnesia, Ihr seid die besten, super Service, schnelle Lieferung.
Sano y fuerte
Llegó un esqueje sano y fuerte
San Pedro monstrose
Ce magnifique spécimen à donner ses racines en seulement 6 à 8 semaines et je trouve qu'il est d'une très belle qualité visuelle
Lovely specimens I have ordered some for me and my friend, those are one of my favourite cacti in my collection.
Ottimo cur
L ho messo subito in terra ed ha cominciato subito a crescere, ottimo esemplare! Lo consiglio
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