Hindu Kush (Sensi Seeds) feminized
A part of cannabis culture for decades, Hindu Kush now has legend status among recreational and medical users alike. Easy to grow for the novice. Lavish reponses for expert growers. Hindu Kush is a unique strain thta should be in everyone's collection.
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Sensi Seeds - Hindu Kush: With Hindu Kush you get big buds
Kush is a Sanskrit word for the way a mother holds a baby. Referring to how the mountains cradle the Hindu religion. Hindu Kush cannabis is named after that mountain range. It burst onto the scene in the mid seventies and has been a perenial favourite ever since. It has been admired for decades for its distinct characteristics.
The origin of Hindu Kush is more lore than history, but its impact on cannabis culture is a definite fact. It has been used as the indica parent in many breeding programs because of its homogeneity and reliability. It has also been bred true since the beginning as the pure strain itself is very potent and delivers a unique experience. Don't expect couch-lock from this chameleon indica. She comes into your mind with a sunny hello and is exceptionally mentally stimulating. It and can keep you awake with a rampant imagination if used before bedtime.
Hindu Kush is the poster child of the easy to grow trouble free indicas. Evolving to thrive in treacherous mountain conditions has endowed the Hindu Kush strain with a unique hardiness. The Hindu Kush is at a similar latitude to southern Spain. However, the altitude means short springs, intense high UV summers, brief autumns and long snowy winters. These conditions have graced Hindu Kush with characteristics coveted by the marijuana grower. It is hardy and produces colossal amounts of resin on large dense flowers probably as protection against its native environment. It is undemanding on nutrients, water, fungus and pesticides and responds well to being manipulated with contemporary techniques.
It is the shooting star of the cannabis world. Everything happens quickly. The short vegetation period is followed by a rapid and heavy fluorescence. When manipulated for sinsemilla this makes for flowering plants that mature in 8-9 weeks. Hindu Kush is photo sensitive so the vegetation photo-period can be extended to encourage more volume for SCRoGged plants or simply bigger plants all around. Outdoors in the Mediterranean a well-maintained Hindu Kush will develop into a monster plant. The longer sea level summers put vegetative volume into overdrive. Extended milder autumns produce fantastic amounts of resin.
Unlike many sativas which have flamboyant aromas that can blanket a wide area outdoors. Hindu Kush plays its fragrance cards close to its chest. Fragrance needs to be encouraged out with a gentle squeeze. The main terpenes are those that give cloves, rosemary, hops, pine trees and black pepper their smells. Rosemary and black pepper are particularly distinctive in the Hindu Kush bouquet. Indoors, where aromatic juices have not endured a turbulent outdoor upbringing, aromas are more intense, but oddly not those immediately associated with marijuana. The bite on the air is of hops which is quite different from limonene and geraniol rich species.
A quintessential mainlining and lollipopping plant Hindu Kush always delights with the compactness of the thick heavy flower clusters. Resins sparkle and refract light. Tastes when used are of subtle aniseed licorice and a pot pourri of forest flowers. Hindu Kush is only comparable as a pain therapy with other marijuana strains. It outperforms opiate based painkillers. A clear mind with anodyne effects on the body is the holy grail of pharmaceutical companies. Hindu Kush has all that. Well mitigated pain without the fuzzy mindedness, forgetfulness and addiction of often dangerous man-made alternatives.
Brand | Sensi Seeds |
Genetics | 100% Indica |
Flowering Type | Photoperiod |
Flowering Time | 8-9 weeks |
Sex | Feminized |
Hindu Kush alles goed gelukt
in begin in joint gedaan nogal moe van geworden moest daarvan niet veel roken. Maar nu ik het puur in een pijpje rook veel beter ook van gesmak en een veel leukere werking een paar grammetjes per dag gaan er vlug in
Zuverlässig kompakt blüht schnell
Ist eigentlich ende september outdoor fertig falls man sie bis mitte oktober blühen lassen will sollte man wegen schimmel aufpassen
La mia preferita in assoluto, ottima resa e sapore ricco incredibile, ti trasporta in un coffe shop con un paio di boccate!
Absolutes Highlight
Für jeden ein Genuss und Spaß bei der Aufzucht, ganz zu schweigen vom Endergebnis. Würde ich jedem Anfänger und Kenner empfehlen! Danke.
Riesige Pflanzen
Mit 220cm Höhe und einem Umfang von gut 300cm eine der größten Pflanzen bisher!
Ertrag mehr als zufriedenstellend!
Zwei von drei aufgegangen, aber dafür haben die Mädels so den Turbo drin gehabt, dass ich sie nach drei Wochen in die Blüte schicken konnte. Ich glaube, der Strain findet einen Platz in meiner Küche.
Samen sahen nicht sooo bombe aus
Die Samen sahen nicht so ganz fertig aus.
Nicht so schön dunkel jedoch kamen 2 von 3 Samen.
Die Pflanzen sehen gut aus und entwickeln sich prächtig.
also alles gut im großen und ganzen!
Aber bitte mal schönere Samen schicken!
Der Samen den ich gepflanzt habe ist gut gekeimt. Die Pflanze wächst sehr gut.
Ich bin auf das Ergebnis gespannt.
Der Kundenservice ist sehr gut. Nachdem mein erstes Paket, nicht angekommen ist, hat mir der Kundenservice schnell geantwortet und eine gratis Ersatzbestellung zugesendet.
Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit Zamnesia.
Top kwaliteit
Deze zaadjes van het oude vertrouwde Sensi-Seeds deden het allemaal. Waren binnen 2/3 dagen ontkiemd en staan nu vrolijk groeien. Ik kreeg er ook nog een cool extra zaadje bij. Echt super!
Ein tolles Stück Afganistan
Das geilste und seit Jahren (40J.)immer noch so gut wie beim ersten mal. Sehr einfach aufzuziehen gelingt immer. Einfach toll.Es ist immer gut noch ein paar Buds über den Winter zu bringen. Keep on growing,salutes
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