9.6 out of 10 based on 54411 reviews
9.6 out of 10 based on 54411 reviews
Beau design
Coole desings erhalten!
Nichts auszusetzen
Design molto bello
Une collection authentiquement rétro :)
Nur schade, dass man sich die Feuerzeuge nicht aussuchen kann
Love it
Nice designs
Feuerzeug Clipper 420 Retro 🧟
Top 4 bestellt und alle bekommen
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good looking clipper
Bought 4 and I like the designe really much.
Clippers also work excellent
I love clippers i have quite the collection but i am annoyed with zamnesias way of selling their clippers i had to order 10 of em Twice to get the 4 i wanted.
Not something i want to do since thats alot of money wasted on duplicates i simply have no use for.
But nice clippers… i guess
Stylé et pratique
Bon et beau briquet !!! Ils sont jolis et durent dans le temps.
Super Design
Das Design Super. Feuerstein und Feuer funktionieren sehr gut.
Briquets qui font le job
Good lighters with a nice design
My daughter loves these lighters
bel disegno e buon accendino
Solid Long-lived Lighter
These are really solid lighters that last quite a while, and the retro styling on these is just what i wanted.
The lighters are nice, but unfortunately we got the same designe three times.
clipper classique avec un tres beau motif cyberpunk
un bon briquet
un clipper simple avec un style unique
Das Kult Feuerzeug seit 1956
Das schöne ist das man den Feuerstein oder komplette zündvorichtung.
Natürlich ist es wiederbefüllbar. Ordentliches Feuerzeug zu einem fairen Preis.
love this clipper with vaporwave theme :)
Briquet clipper
Beau motif et super prix !
I like it
I added a bunch of these on top of my order mainly because I liked the artwork. Something I didnt know about these was that if you tilt them over 90degrees it spits flame stronger, which is a nice little bonus imo
Love these. Iconic lighters with a cool twist, and they are refill them with lighter fluid when it stops working. The pull stick is so handy, regular lighters are for peasants now
Random and clipper assurance.
like any clipper.
Cool lighter
Well, not much tu say. They work fine and the design is really cool. Also, they are rechargeables
What should I write?
It is a clipper, it looks nice and it works. ;)
Bon clipper
Joli clipper pour le prix +++
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