Lavender (20 grams)
Lavender has a long history of use - it is even mentioned in the Song of Solomon. Lavender is used as a condiment in various foods, beverages, and teas and as a fragrance in cosmetics. Enjoy the highly aromatic experience this fragrant herb provides!
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Lavender - One of the holy herbs used in the biblical Temple
Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia) is a fragrant herb in the mint family with a long history of use. In ancient Greece lavender was called "Nardus", named after the Syrian city of Naarda. It was commonly also called "Nard" ("Nerd" in Hebrew), which is mentioned in the Song of Solomon (4,14) and was one of the holy herbs used in the biblical Temple to prepare the holy essence.
Traditionally, lavender is used in the form of oil, in salves and as a tea. Lavender is also used as a condiment in salad dressings, sauces, beverages, various teas and as a fragrance in cosmetics.
Type | Loose-leaf tea |
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Top qualità
Infiorescenze buonissime profumatissime
Get a very fine grinder
Under 50mm. Needs to have very small holes.
Profumata, ottima qualità, buon sapore e gusto buonissimo. Consigliata.
Gute Quali
zum mischen im Vapo,solte man sehr sparsam anfangen
der Lavendel ist sehr intensiv in Geruch und Geschmack
Buona alternativa al tabacco molto più leggero
Gute Qualität
Ich kann’s empfehlen
Huele genial
Muy buena opción
top buonissima
stra dolce e sa molto di lavanda del detersivo per i panni del bucato veramente ottima
Qualität super
Guter lavendel zum Rauchen. Hab schon seeehr viel davon bestellt und nie ein Problem gehabt
Lovely in tea
For the price, I think that it's worth it. Have used it in tea and with a joint.
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