Kanna Extract UC2
UC2 is a highly concentrated extract of Sceletium tortuosum, commonly known as Kanna. Kanna contains an alkaloid named Mesembrine, a substance that acts as a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor and brings about a mixed effect consisting of relaxed aspects. This extract can be used mixed in with food.
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Kanna Extract UC2 - Highly concentrated extract of Sceletium tortuosum
Sceletium tortuosum, commonly known as Kanna contains a substance named Mesembrine, which is an alkaloid that acts as a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor. This highly concentrated extract can be mixed in with food. Mixed in with food the onset of the effects is more delayed, but the inebriation lasts much longer.
How to use UC2 extract
UC2 can be mixed in with food, but the effect is best felt on an empty stomach, hence we recommend taking this extract in a capsule. For a light experience the recommended dose is 100mg, for a stronger experience use 200mg.
Weight | 1 gr |
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Zamnesia,siete il top!
...but, to me, not quite worth the up-charge in comp w 'regular' k products.
Ottimo prodotto,l'ho usata in modo differenti,la sensazione piacevole dura a lungo
prodotto valido da provare il modo di assunzione determina l'effetto che è molto positivo io la uso sublinguinale e ho ottimi risultati , se abbinata alla cannabis light i risultati sono entusiasmanti
Bof aussi.
J'ai fais les mêmes expériences que H.F:
- sniff prudent: keudale
- sniff sauvage: keudale à part le nez qui brule
- en joint mixé avec du tabac : petit effet euphorique mais léger léger (mais avec 0.2g dans le joint hein)
Décevant d'une manière générale.
sehr chillig
lässt dich in eine angenehme chillige Atmosphäre gleiten, leichte Veränderung der Sehschärfe, etwas verschwommen, aber sehr angenehm.
Fun Stuff
Kanna extracts are great, if you don´t overdose and know what to use them for and what to get out of it it´s a secure and fun way to lift your mood for a couple of hours. UC2 has a good bearable taste to it, is superfine but unfortunately too expensive, therefor minus one star.
Cool but expensive
I tried other kanna extracs that un my appinion are much worth than uc2.
Das UC2 ist besser als das ET2, wenn man den Geschmack beim Ziehen nicht mag. UC2 lässt sich besser rauchen, ET2 eher was zum Ziehen. Am besten mit Gras mischen, Kanna verstärkt die Wirkung sehr - alleine geht so, bei zuviel wird einem übel.
Eine kleine line reicht um etwas euphorisch + aktiv zu sein und ein leichter rededrang kommt hinzu aber alles sehr angenehm ehrlich, wie ein schwacher speed in etwa.
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