Marihuanilla (Leonurus sibiricus)
Marihuanilla (little Marijuana) is a small herbaceous plant with an with upright stem that grows up to a height of 20 to 80cm tall tall without developing any branches. Its natural habitats are Southwest Asia, including China, Mongolia and Russia. In traditional Asian medicine it has been used for many centuries for its relaxing and soothing effects.
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Marihuanilla - Commonly called honeyweed or Siberian motherwort
Marihuanilla (Binomial name Leonurus sibiricus, commonly called honeyweed or Siberian motherwort) is a small herbaceous plant with an with upright stem that grows up to a height of 20 to 80cm tall without developing any branches. Its natural habitats are Southwest Asia, including China, Mongolia and Russia, where it grows on stony or sandy grasslands or pine forests, but it has been naturalized in many other parts of the world an can now be found in South, Central and North America as well. In Asia, it has been used for many centuries for its relaxing and soothing effects, but it also holds slightly intoxicating properties.
Lekkere thee, merkbaar ontspannend
Lekker thee, ik hou van de bittere smaak. Het geeft een licht (maar duidelijk merkbaar) ontspannen gevoeld.
super Wirkung wenn man es gewohnt ist wenig zu konsumieren
Ist ok
Beim smoken hab ich jetzt nicht so viel gemerkt, aber im warmen Getränk zubereitet war´s ziemlich relaxend bis leicht müde machend. Ich sage mal für mich 3,5/5 Punkte.
Very relaxing, i think it might make a great combo with weed
Nice and relaxing
Don't expect a similar high like smoking cannabis but the effect was quite pleasant although. Made tea mixing some wild dagga with it and enjoyed it to an empty stomach, felt the first effects within 20 minutes. Gonna try it again to explore it's full potential. Interesting stuff.
Very relaxing
Very relaxing, even more when vaporized, also very nice effect when combined with syrian rue
Un peu décevant
Pour un produit qui se présente comme un substitut léger au cannabis j'ai vraiment rien senti. Ca peut aider celleux qui ont des problèmes d'endormissement par contre. Le goût est supportable.
Utilisé avec un chewing gum, les effets sont légèrement relaxant. On est plus détente après mais j'ai pas senti une grosse différence non plus.
Relax, body high.
I have to say i smoked it and it works better than making tea of it.
Yes you can smoke it its an extract but it is possible.
It makes your body feel very relaxed and just a little buzz in your head, this is a version of marijuana but without the real buzz you get in your head.
leichte beruhigung bei ca. 3 gramm
Hab nen Tee gemacht der Geschmack war mit Honig ganz okay aber habe danach kaum eine Wirkung gespürt.
Hallo, wie viel Gramm sind denn drin in einer Packung?
Hi Cornelia, In this pack will be 20 grams of Marihuanilla. Please let us know if you have any other questions, we're happy to help!
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