Afghan Skunk (Expert Seeds) feminized
Afghan Skunk is precisely what the name suggests - it is the outcome of blending a robust Afghan variety with Skunk #1. This 85% Indica displays a strong vigor and produces giant buds that can become so heavy that the plant needs some kind of support to prevent it from bending or even breaking. Outdoors it is possible to yield up to 1kg per plant. 18% THC.
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Expert Seeds - Afghan Skunk: 18% of the harvest are THC
As the name already suggests, Afghan Skunk is the result of mingling the genetics of a robust Afghan variety with Skunk #1. This 85% Indica/15% Sativa hybrid exhibits a strong vigor and produces gargantuan flower clusters can become so heavy that the plant will need some kind of support in the late flowering phase to prevent it from bending or even breaking.
Afghan Skunk is highly productive - after roughly 55 days flowering time you can expect a yield in the range of 500-550g/m². In an outdoor grow it is possible to yield up to 1kg per plant. The resin production is excellent wherein 18% of the harvest are THC. The smoke has a sweet and fruity taste, seasoned with fresh and spicy notes and triggers a strong Indica stone.
Brand | Expert Seeds |
Parents | Afghan x Skunk 1 |
Genetics | 85% Indica / 15% Sativa |
Flowering Type | Photoperiod |
Flowering Time | 7-8 weeks |
THC | 18% |
Yield (Indoor) | Up to 550 gr/m² |
Yield (Outdoor) | Up to 1000 gr/plant |
Sex | Feminized |
Available as | Feminized seeds |
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4 von 5 sind gekommen und wachsen prima.
Jetzt braucht es halt Zeit und Pflege bis Erntedank !
for a low price a good skunk
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Ob Erde oder in Papier sie Keimen innerhalb 3 Tage und dann ging los . 5 Tage von Keimen zu einer Höhe von 5 cm gewachsen, wenn es so weiter geht muss ich in der 2 Woche umtopfen.
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