Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
Psilocybe Cubensis Golden Teacher is a magic mushroom strain that will teach you a better world. This strain first started to appear in the late 1980's, but the exact origin is unknown. Golden Teacher is a well deserved name - the color of the caps is golden and it has shamanistic capabilities to teach you a better world.
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Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher': Teaching for a better world
Psilocybe cubensis Golden Teacher is a magic mushroom strain that first appeared in the late 1980's, but who discovered it and where it originated is unknown. It has been named by its golden caps and the superb shamanic capabilities it has - this divine fruit will teach you a better world. These Supa-Gro kits contain a 1200ml cake of 100% mycelium and are ready to grow - all you need is a little patience. Don't get fooled by the first flush - this strain tends to a smaller first flush, the second flush is usually much bigger than the first.
Supa Gro magic mushroom grow kits are grown by mycological experts and contain extremely healthy mycelium.
Scope of delivery
- 1200ml cultivation box
- Grow bag
Volume | 1200ML |
Brand | Supa Gro |
Strain | Golden Teacher |
More information related to this product:
Zweite Schub
Ich war so froh das es so gut geklappt hat mit ersten Schub und dann beim zweiten ist etwas schief gelaufen obwohl ich alles gemacht habe wie es in Anleitungen steht. Bin richtig enttäuscht weil dass ganze sollte ein Geschenk sein wenn es geerntet ist. Aber jetzt ist es nicht ned mal für Eigenbedarf. Woran liegt es?
j’ai reçu trois kits, deux sur trois ont bien fonctionné donc en soi je suis contente. Cependant aucun résultat positif sur le troisième.
Pas encore testé.
Hello trop cool vraiment cool pas si compliqué que ça à faire, juste un peu relou qu’il pousse pas tous en même temps j’ai un peu galère du coup a récolter, après ça j’avais des tout petits qui ne se sont plus développé :/
Mais sinon très cool 2 eme flush en place mais beaucoup moins de champignons que le premier pour ma part
Grows well
Sie kommen langsam
Sehr spannend da täglich zuzusehen wie sie wachsen
Very good
Very good, very potent
Very potent, got about 20g dried ate 3.5g had a ego death, be carefull very potent
Super bien les petits champignons le kit est plein à craquer!..Merci ZAMNESIA..
Très bien
Le kit fonctionne à merveille. Les instructions fournies sont très claires.
On peut avoir plusieurs récoltes si on pense à bien récolter les champignons au fur et à mesure avant que les spores ne tombent. Personnellement j'ai utilisé un tapis chauffant même si cela n'était pas conseillé en raison d'une température trop faible et je n'ai eu aucun souci.
How much light they need to grow?
These kits do best in daylight, 18°C -28°C. Don’t place them in direct sunlight though! Indirect sunlight is the ideal lighting to grow mushrooms.
Is it ok to use bottled water? As in, would this be any better to grow mushroomz or just the same as tapwater?
Either works just fine. We recommend to just use tap water to keep the costs down. If you insist on using bottled water, just make sure that you are using still water (without bubbles).
Do i need to add water at the beginning, when i put the opened box in the bag? how often do i need to add water? the manual is unclear on this and i read varying instructions in the other question sections of other 100%mycelium kits.
No need to add water in the beginning. When the first caps start showing, simply spray some water onto the insides of the bags once or twice a day. You can do this when you are airing the kit for example. Make sure you don't spray directly onto the shrooms though.
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