Melmac Monster Liquid Culture Syringe (Acid Shroomz)
The Melmac Monster is a unique, lab-bred variety of the Penis Envy mushroom. Named after everyone's favourite friendly alien, Alf from planet Melmac, this mushroom strain is known for its unique physical traits and above-average potency. Now, thanks to Acid Shroomz' new line of liquid cultures containing live mycelium, growing the Melmac Monster at home has never been easier.
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Acid Shroomz - Melmac Monster Liquid Culture: Strap Yourself in for a Deep, Visual Trip
The Melmac Monster is a variety of Penis Envy mushroom—a unique strain of Psilocybe cubensis discovered by Terence McKenna and stabilised by Steven Pollock or Richard Gutierrez (depending on what mushy folklore you choose to believe). Rumour has it that McKenna discovered Penis Envy in the Amazon rainforest and collected its spore print, which either Pollock or Gutierrez used to isolate and stabilise the mushroom's genetics in a laboratory.
Penis Envy mushrooms get their name from their clearly phallic shape—The Melmac Monster produces albino-like fruit with long, slightly warped white stems and large caps that often turn blue—an indicator of their strength. The Melmac Monster is considered to be of "above average" potency, delivering effects similar to those of the original Penis Envy. Users report a strong euphoria and feeling of connectedness, as well as intense and long-lasting visual and auditory hallucinations in higher quantities.
Note: Acid Shroomz notes that Melmac Monster is known to produce blobs. This is likely due to a high spawn ratio, and therefore using a casing layer may help to promote the growth of more regular-shaped mushrooms with the Melmac Monster's signature long stems. If you see your Melmac Monster mycelium produce large, white blobs rather than fully developed shrooms, don't worry; Acid Shroomz recommends growing blobs out as usual and simply waiting for your next flush, which will likely come out normal.
- 1x 20ml liquid culture syringe
- 2x alcohol wipes
- 1x sterilised needle
Recommended Use
- Use within 2 months after delivery. Store in a cool, dark place such as the refrigerator. Protect from UV light.
- 2–5ml per litre/quart jar of sterilised grain.
- Shake well before use. This helps to loosen the mycelium, ensuring an even distribution when applying the liquid to different substrates/spawn containers.
- After use, the liquid culture should be stored in the refrigerator. Dry thoroughly before replacing the protective cover to prevent rust from forming on the needle.
- Additionally, you can heat the needle with a lighter to evaporate residual water, before allowing it to cool. Once cool, replace the protective cover, secure the LC in a ziplock bag, and store it in the refrigerator.
Important Considerations
- While more LC generally leads to faster colonisation, it’s not recommended to exceed 5ml per litre/quart jar.
- For grain still moist after hydration/sterilisation, less LC per litre/quart jar is safer, as excess water can lead to bacterial growth.
Mushroom Type | Psychedelic |
More information related to this product:
Top strain. Wunderschöne und verdammt potent
Für die Sorte Melmac hab ich mich hauptsächlich wegen des Namens entschieden (Alf-Fan).
Und wie sich herausgestellt hat war es ein Glücksgriff:
Die Art koloniesiert verdammt schnell. Wobei ich empfehle eher viele keine Sets/Gläser zu beimpfen als wenige große. Das minimiert den Schaden bei Kontamination.
Nachdem nun die ersten zwei Flushs des ersten Sets durch sind konnte ich nun auch mal testen was Melmac so drauf hat. Und Holla die Waldfee das hatte ich nicht erwartet. Die knapp 1,8g getrocknete Shrooms haben mir einen unvergesslichen Abend verschafft. Die Optics hatten eine verdammt starke Ähnlichkeit zu denen die ich mal von DMT hatte was ich ebenfalls nicht erwartet hab. Geniale Genetik. Mehr davon bitte
Very happy
Fast and Clean what more could I want
Hab die 20ml sofort aufgeteilt, 5ml in eine nährlösung..2x5ml in zuchtbeutel und 5ml in eine kleine Box.
Soweit war alles super und das Mycel sah gut aus, jetzt mal warten was draus wird
Läuft alles super
Wenn du Geduld hat und wirklich sauber arbeitest ist das nen super Produkt. Zur Wirkung kann ich ers in 2 -3 Wochen denke ich was sagen.
Melmac genetics is A1
Second time ordering Melmac culture and it really does not disappoint. I found it aggressively speedy to colonize. Way faster than any competitors culture and that's why zamnesia cultures get my vote every time.
I do wish they had a larger choice of cultures but that's ok. Keep up the good work and can't wait to try others.
bon début, j'ai pu gouter la première fructification mais malheureusement contamination par la suite mais c'est de ma faute... effet simpat et content pour un premier essai avec serringue
Looks good so far.
Early days, but colonisation began quickly and looks strong and healthy so far. Also, the comment from CM above is spot on - Zammi customer service is the very best.
Excellente culture liquide
Le mycélium présent est de bonne qualité, on peut aisément inoculer 6 jarres avec les 20ml fournis.
Perso, je fais ma propre culture liquide et j'inocule quelques jarres de grains de seigle stérilisés puis ma propre culture liquide pour faire durer le plaisir =)
holla die waldfee ...
top product. clean, colonizes super fast and with good yield.
and easy tiger, they quite strong .-) ....
Zeer goed uitziende Liquid Culture
Zeer goed uitziende Liquid Culture van een goede Magic Mushroom Strain. Gebruiken van het product zal uitwijzen of deze ook echt goed steriel is maar voor alsnog ziet de cultuur er erg goed uit dus heb ik positieve hoop.
Aanrader Liquid Culture werkt vele malen beter dan sporen spuiten of vials
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