Salvia Dried Leaves
Salvia divinorum contains salvinorin A; one of the strongest psychedelics known to mankind today and should not be confused with a party drug. Under its influence you will perceive a completely different "reality" than the one you normally would. Salvia should be used in a comfortable and safe environment and only in company of a sober tripsitter.
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Salvia divinorum - Leaves of the divine sage of the Mazatec
Salvia divinorum has a long history of use to induce a trance. Shamans of the Mazatec tribe used it for centuries to reach a dreamy state of consciousness in order to encounter visions; in lower doses it was used in ceremonies. There are two traditional methods of consuming Salvia: Chewing a quid of leaves for a long time and then swallowing down the leaves and dissolving the crushed leaves in water to make a drinkable concoction.
Salvia is not a party drug! It is one of the strongest psychedelics known to mankind today and has the potential to tear down the curtain to a completely different "reality" than the one you normally perceive. It plays with all your senses as well as memories and thoughts while you wander through a different world and experience the Salvia dimension!
Use Salvia in a comfortable and safe environment and only in company of a sober tripsitter. Have the lights dimmed low and keep distractions to a minimum - switch off the TV set as it will ruin the experience, have some quiet music playing in the background instead.
2-8 grams of dry leaves are enough for a strong experience.
The bitter taste of Salvia leaves is not to everyone's liking - you can flavor your quid with honey, syrup or sugar to make the experience a more sweet one.
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Was dubious at first…
Absolutely fantastic product, at first was confused as it’s just basically sage thought I. Was being had on but wow that In a pipe is exceptional instant sways great for meditation high doesn’t last too long either:)
Pas d'effet...
J'ai eu beau mettre plus de la quantité donnée plus de la x70. Rien...
No está mal
No puedo decir mucho porque simplemente las fume y no se siente gran cosa.
Pero la cantidad no defrauda
Salvia ist sehr gut und hilft seinem inneren geistes.
Da kein extrakt sehr gut dosierbar.
Knallt heftig
... obwohl's nur die Blätter sind und kein Extrakt. Hab einen großen Bong mit zwei etwas dickeren, aber kleingemahlenen Blättern geraucht und bin quasi sofort abspacen gegangen. Was für ein lustiger Freizeitspaß 🤟, vielen Dank Zamnesia
Schnelle Lieferung
Sehr leicht, für den Anfänger genial
Good quality
A utilisé après concentration
Mixé plusieurs bains d acétone plus tard. Ca fait son petit effet.
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