Mexicana Magic Truffles
The Mexicana magic truffle is probably the most well-known psilocybin mushroom strain that develops sclerotia, also called magic truffles. This variety is rather mild, but will give you warm fuzzy feelings and a powerloaded and happy trip full of creativity and - at high doses - spiritual enlightenment. On a scale of 5, the strength of Psilocybe Mexicana ranks at 2.5
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Mexicana Magic Truffles - Used by indigenous tribes for centuries
Note: All of our magic truffles are fresh and can be stored in a fridge for a maximum of two months. Once opened, use within two days.
Psilocybe mexicana has been known to the indigenous people of South America for thousands of years as the flesh of gods. The psychedelic effects of magic mushrooms has always been utterly unknown to the Western population until Albert Hofmann (the discoverer of LSD) isolated and identified the substances psilocybin and psilocin in his laboratory in Switzerland in 1957. And he used this strain, which had especially been bred for this process - Psilocybe Mexicana.
Psilocybe Mexicana is one of the rare strains that produce sclerotia (our magic truffles); there are actually TWO varieties of the Psilocybe Mexicana - Psilocybe Mexicana A and Psilocybe Mexicana B, but only the "A" variety develops those magic truffles.
Psilocybe Mexicana is a rather mild strain, but should definitely not be underestimated! A dose of 5 grams is already enough for a strange feeling of twisted reality, but you probably won't have any visuals or if, they'll be rather mild. As of 10 grams one can expect a medium trip with visuals and a full pack of 15 grams will propel you into an orbit. Your senses will be sharpened and you'll be able to "think outside the box" and all that is accompanied by a strong feeling of euphoria and occasional fits of laughter. On a five finger scale, the Psilocybe Mexicana score a 2.5 in overall strength.
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bonne détente
bonne détente avec
Bon effet
faut pas en abusé mais c'est sympa
Truffes magiques
Bonne qualité, super pour passer de bons moments de Trip assez doux et intenses pour ma part même si je m'attendais a plus fort niveau effets. Je recommande
Effecten veel te zwak voor mij
Bien pour rigoler entre amis
Very nice first steps
Took it with my girlfriend and another friend. All of us had no experience with psilocybin so we kinda shared the 15g pack. My girlfriend was dancing the entire time and they both were laughing soo much, they had a great time. I also had a great time, but I would have liked some more visuals and stuff. So 7g for a 80kg guy is a moderate dose. Ended the trip with a joint, which also worked fantastic. Would definitely recommend for beginners. :)
Ya las había probado con mi novia anteriormente y habíamos tenido un viaje con una intensidad baja media ayer después de comernos la bolsa entera entre los dos habiendo bajado diez kilos cada uno aun así no nos surtió ningún efecto ni siquiera una leve sensación de euforia o colores. Nos hemos quedado con las ganas de viajar
Sympa !
Elles sont sympa, peut être que je suis resistant aux psychélique mais ça reste cool même si c'est pas lr trip du siècle.
Je recommande
La qualité est propre. Quelques commandes et jamais été déçue. Je recommande.
Tellement décue
Je l'ai pris en 2x, à part un instant nauséeux, quasi aucun effet
Ce n'est pas ce que les commentaires présagé
Ultra déçue
How long can I keep the truffles in the refrigerator when closed and also when opened? Thank you!
Hi Franzi, Thanks for reaching out to us! as stated on our website: All of our magic truffles are fresh and can be stored in a fridge for a maximum of two months. Once opened, use within two days. Please let us know if you have any other questions, we're happy to help!
Are these truffels dried or fresh?
Hi Sam, Thank you for your message. All the truffles we sell are fresh.
In der Verpackung ist etwas Feuchtigkeit drinnen...Ist das normal?
It’s perfectly normal for the truffles to produce CO2 gas and therefore the package will expand slightly on it’s way to you. Since truffles mostly consist of water, you might see some moisture inside the packaging as well. As long as the package is still sealed then it’s not a problem if the packet has expanded. If you have any doubts, smell is usually the best indication on whether or not the truffles have gone off. When you open a parcel and the product smells foul, it will have gone off (it’s really hard to miss). If you have any doubts, please feel free to contact our Customer Service Team with a photo of the package via [email protected]
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