Poppy (Papaver somniferum) Seeds
Poppy (Papaver somniferum) is the plant from which opium, morphine, and heroin are made. The poppy seeds themselves don’t contain any alkaloids. With Zamnesia Poppy Seeds, you can grow your own poppy plants at home with ease!
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Zamnesia - Poppy Seeds: Grow Poppy At Home
Papaver somniferum, better known as opium poppy, is the flowering plant from which opium and poppy seeds are derived. It is believed that the plant was initially cultivated in the Eastern Mediterranean, although its exact origins are shrouded in mystery.
The flowering poppy plant is native to Western Asia and Southeast Europe. In these areas of the world, the plant is often cultivated, but it can also be found growing in the wild. Aside from being a source for making opiates, poppy is also grown for the seeds that you can find on various baked goods.
The opium poppy is a hardy annual that can reach a height of about 1 metre. The plant flowers in summer and sheds its seeds a few months later in autumn. The flower of the plant can take on various colours, including shades of red, purple, pink, and white. It makes a beautiful ornamental that looks great in any garden.
Papaver somniferum is a hardy weed without any special requirements—this makes the plants very easy to grow. You can plant the poppy seeds indoors in pots, or sow directly into soil outdoors, provided you allow the plants enough space for their roots to grow and ensure good water drainage.
The best time to plant your seeds is between September and April. Should you live in a climate with a cold winter, it is recommended that you wait until early spring to avoid frost. For germinating your poppy seeds, you can simply toss them onto fertilised soil and cover them slightly. Keep the soil humid and watered well until you see the seeds sprouting. This will usually take a week. Make sure you do not overwater to prevent fungus growth and rot.
Quantity | 5 gram |
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